Turn cost: 6
Rarity: Rare
Time duration: 1 hour
Desc: Guilded: (Only target a guildmate.) Take 1,000,000 out of your treasury. Target recieves 500,000 at the cast and 500,000 more gold 1 hour after the initial cast.
Helping Hand
Turn cost: 2
Rarity: common
Time: 24 hour stacks 5
Desc: Guilded: Target fleet gains 1% attack bonus and defensive roll.
Mirrored Momentum
Turn cost: X
Rarity: Rare
Desc: Guilded: 1st target player and 2nd target guildmate’s fleet. Remove X danger, from where x is amount of active curses on you from first target, from guildmates target fleet, the 2nd target.