Bermuda Daily - Issue #49: Privateers

Bermuda Daily - Issue #49: Privateers

Postby Dejanira » Sat Oct 20, 2018 9:05 am

Bermuda Daily - Issue #49: Privateers

Since I started this newspaper column dedicated to music, I knew some Issues should be about songs and artists actually cited in Pirates Glory.
Sometimes the link with the game is subtle, but in this today Issue it is so clear that is almost a dedication. :)

An artist from Canada, with a celtic flavour, active in late 70s till mid 80s and very popular in Northern America (mainly Canada and USA) but also known in the old Europe.

I'm talking about Stan Rogers and Radio Image Bermuda presents today one of his successes Barrett's Privateers!


Good listaning it and see you tomorrow.
Stay tuned on Radio Image Bermuda!
Are you a new player? Contact me in game and I'll cast a helping voodoo. Consider this like a sort of "tutorial mission".
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