Ship Traits

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Re: Ship Traits

Postby Redish » Wed Oct 17, 2018 3:34 pm

-Immunity to Call Leviathan sink -Level 1 ships do not join sea bottom because of Leviathan.
-Low Chance (less than 10% and perhaps less than 5% - aka once every 20 battles) to lower a level of the enemy ship (even sinking it) with permanent effects (effect remains after battle, ships will be able to level up again normally after this)

These should have priority.
Last edited by Redish on Thu Oct 18, 2018 3:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ship Traits

Postby Shadowood » Wed Oct 17, 2018 6:00 pm

Excited to have Ship Traits CJ! Good work sir
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Re: Ship Traits

Postby Charles Vane » Wed Oct 17, 2018 6:55 pm

Bow Chasers:

Perhaps a dice roll that selects one of three options first, then a roll for the selected option?

1) 75% chance to inflict 20% damage to the lead ship
2) 50% chance to inflict 30% damage to lead ship
3) 25% chance to inflict 40% damage to lead ship

One option is always selected based on roll, once it is then the percentage of success is activated.
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Re: Ship Traits

Postby Gregor Egerton » Thu Oct 18, 2018 1:11 am

Not totally certain about the numbers but a few thoughts I had

Efficient Shipbuilding:
Ship is 20% cheaper to upgrade per level

Large sails:
Ship is 10% faster in combat and in sailing.

Large Crew Quarters:
Adds extra room for Crew to increase speed and perform better in combat (maybe around 30-50?)
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Re: Ship Traits

Postby Redish » Thu Oct 18, 2018 2:59 am

Shadowood wrote:Excited to have Ship Traits CJ! Good work sir

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Re: Ship Traits

Postby Meliva » Thu Oct 18, 2018 3:38 am

This might be an unpopular idea, and honestly id be fine if it's not added(in fact I might prefer it honestly) but wouldn't it make sense from both a real world and roleplay viewpoint that a few ship traits would be harmful and not beneficial?

Like how loyal crew is a good trait, disloyal would be a bad one. It's effect could be something like the ship loses some efficiency. Weak hull, cheap sails, small cargo etc, to counter the good ones.

And perhaps a new technology for ship builders can be added to improve the chance of positive traits and decrease negative.

Regardless if negative traits get added or not, i still think a new ship building tech would be nice to have with this feautre-something maybe to increase chances of a new ship having 2 traits.
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Re: Ship Traits

Postby DezNutz » Thu Oct 18, 2018 6:10 am

Meliva wrote:This might be an unpopular idea, and honestly id be fine if it's not added(in fact I might prefer it honestly) but wouldn't it make sense from both a real world and roleplay viewpoint that a few ship traits would be harmful and not beneficial?

Like how loyal crew is a good trait, disloyal would be a bad one. It's effect could be something like the ship loses some efficiency. Weak hull, cheap sails, small cargo etc, to counter the good ones.

And perhaps a new technology for ship builders can be added to improve the chance of positive traits and decrease negative.

Regardless if negative traits get added or not, i still think a new ship building tech would be nice to have with this feautre-something maybe to increase chances of a new ship having 2 traits.

I think negative traits could play a part if traits are expended so that ships would have multiple traits at once. Each ship would have a chance of having positive and negative traits.
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Re: Ship Traits

Postby Admiral Nelson » Thu Oct 18, 2018 7:19 am

-Low Chance (less than 10% and perhaps less than 5% - aka once every 20 battles) to lower a level of the enemy ship (even sinking it) with permanent effects (effect remains after battle, ships will be able to level up again normally after this)

I do not think this is a good idea - It can make Ship Raids near impossible without, draining the target which is a lot harder to do in active guilds.

10 Ambush = 20 Attacks. And lets say, the tail is unsinkable and has a Low Chance ability. It will kill off sinking the tail to quickly disperse the targets remaining purse. Again - Will not stop Ship Raids, but will make them 50% harder if not more.

Unless I have a wrong end of the stick here or perhaps if a Ship has Immunity to Call Levs, it can not have this feature (And vice verser) or... the whole idea be scrapped/remodel (Lowering the every X battles to 5, for example)

Admittadly chances of the person gaining these 2 attributes, are as possible as me growing a pair of tits overnight. Chances are it won't happen... But I can see people running fleets with Sloops that can not be sunk through Call Levs or PvP battles. Hell, I can see myself doing it! Three Frigates which are immune to Call Levs, and Sloop Tails which can not be sunk nor sunk via cast upon! Or a 4 Ship of the Line fleet, all with the immunity to Call Levs + The Sloop Tail sharing 2 Ship Traits Immunity + Low Chance! Which would lead to pirate activity, go on a downtrend and make it much less profitable - For one to even consider, going to the merchant side?...

All other Ship Traits I am fine with; I said so myself its far to easy to sink a 60 attribute Ship of the Line and my victims, are aware of such ^^
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Re: Ship Traits

Postby Captain Jack » Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:27 pm

I have updated the first post, with the exact content as this one:

Ship Traits version 1.0 is out for development

Ideas for Future Versions:

New Trait Classification
Obtained - Ships obtain a new trait during usage and depending the usage. Each ship can have 1 obtained trait.

Negative Traits

Negative traits can only be obtained. We need a list of such traits.

New Traits list

This is a list of traits that have not yet made it into the feature but can make into it in the future. Feel free to propose yours.

Grape Shot
Increases efficiency of Captain Order Aim for the Crew
Ships with this trait will have greater results.

Chain Shot
Increases efficiency of Captain Order Aim for the Sails
Ships with this trait will have greater results.

Traits probability

This is not implemented to a version of ship traits yet, but can be implemented in the future.

Some traits will have less chance to be rolled than others.
Some traits will receive higher or lower chance, according to ship type.
Some traits will be able to stack (if a ship is going to have 2 traits, then it may have 2 similar ones)
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Re: Ship Traits

Postby Mack » Wed Nov 07, 2018 4:16 pm

i think negative traits should only be aquired by the attacker when a battle is lost maybe a %1 chance when losing a battle.

could be such this as
leaky hull (lower hull points)
tired crew (lower crew points)
torn sails (lower sails points)
cracked cannons
cracked cannon balls
and what not
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