Developed Plantations Simulations

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Developed Plantations Simulations

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Jul 24, 2018 9:27 am

Ahoy all,

We have created two simulations of a developed plantation, through our simulation tool. By developed we mean a plantation where all infrastructure has 5 stars.

The first one, shows how an already developed plantation will grow over 365 days, (actual 364 for statistics simplicity) starting from 0 workers @ 8 hours workload and 5 fleets of 5 LMM bringing workers.

The second one, shows how a developed plantation would react in a case similar to what you all faced yesterday: Starting with excess workers that are near death and only 1 support fleet.

Both examples should illustrate the huge profits that developed plantations can potentially bring into the game. It should also give you some insight in what to expect int he future.
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Re: Developed Plantations Simulations

Postby Cutpurse » Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:17 am

if all those extra workers on 10k acres require investment in ifstracture too, i would likely need to spend total 2m gb to keep 5 star rating on every building (just my estimates). if i cut those final population amounts in half, i could reach same 5 star rating with 1m gb. do those who do not work on fields, or are not assigned to any building, require gb investments to keep 5 star rating? if they do, i feel its quite steep price to pay for having idle men loitering around sipping rum :)
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Re: Developed Plantations Simulations

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:32 am

Extra workers are a double edged knife. We have not decoded them fully - we do not know the ideal setup, despite hundreds of simulation.

Here is some insight on extra workers:

-They keep your overall population fresh
Why? Because when you need, let's say 1000 workers, and you have 2000 workers, then those 1000 at the sidelines, will help out when the rest get tired. This reduces deaths and can play a significant role on plantations profitability

Also, fresh workers can recover their health on their own, although slowly.

-They eat more, for the same production.
So costs of upkeep are higher.

-They drop the overall quality of infrastructure. Still, this can be overcomed with investment. Again, more expensive but this is a fixed cost.
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Re: Developed Plantations Simulations

Postby Cutpurse » Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:36 am

thank you, that is very helpful. could you please run a simulation with 5 star infra, but without excess people. perhaps starting with/aiming to maintain 12m workers on 10k acres?
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