RP- Port Battle for the Strait

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Re: RP- Port Battle for the Strait

Postby Meliva » Tue Jul 10, 2018 11:28 pm

Vune just rubs her head and sighs

Jack, do me a favor and try using your brain once in a while. I literally have told you repeatedly all we need to do to learn their route is to THINK. It isn't hard you know.

And based on the map, their port list and some basic thinking, I can tell that they won't be breaking up immediately as doing so is pointless.

Now listen Jack, at Akrotiri there is literally only 3 directions to go from. West, North or Northwest. As heading south or east leaves Avonmora.. They won't go North because you said the Isle of man doesn't buy slaves, so going north to Psaral is a waste of time. If they go straight West, then they end up hitting uninhabited land, unless they decide to continue on to Aiora, but that is a very long journey to make with no stops, and given the fact that they are carrying slaves they would be fools to do so as their food reserves would be used up before they make it there, leading to starvation. So we can gather from these facts that the only optimal route would be to head northwest to Gasp, and that they would have no reason to break up right from the start, as there is no other ports nearby they can sell to. Then after that, they would most likely head straight north, and once reaching the strait THATS when the first break off would happen. A large portion of them would head west crossing the great strait, and after that, they would most likely split up even further. We can take out most of those ships in that strait with help from Caspian, and prevent them from breaking up further.

The rest of their ships that DONT cross the strait would continue north to Caspian and the Spanish ports. Once they finish there, they would most likely cross the Hannes strait to continue their journey, or they may simply head home if they our out of slaves. Either way, having an ambush in Hannes would be a good idea, as that's the only way to continue their journey without doubling back to the great Strait, which we would also have an ambush prepared at. And even IF for some stupid reason these men are complete fools and split up into a thousand plus smaller fleets and go in every direction, there are literally only THREE ways to go from that area into the rest of Avonmora.

The great strait in the center, the Hannes Strait in the north, and the Tokelau pass in the south between Aiora and Thorokas. No matter what, they will need to cross ONE of those 3 areas at MINIMUM.
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Re: RP- Port Battle for the Strait

Postby Jack Teach » Tue Jul 10, 2018 11:51 pm

Jack sighs

Ok, lets do an ambush. They are in fact breaking up, they're not very smart in that regard
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Re: RP- Port Battle for the Strait

Postby Meliva » Tue Jul 10, 2018 11:55 pm

Eden nods

Well as this mage has said, there are only 3 paths they can take. We can probably get Caspian to block off the Great strait from them, forcing them to choose one of the other 2 paths. If we load up some Artillery on both sides of the Hannes strait, we could easily block that off from them, and then we can commit the rest of our forces into the Tokelau pass. Once all their ships are plundered or sunk we can move on to the second part of the plan-sacking the ports which bought slaves. This would total in the 4 Spanish ports on the east side. Gasp, Hannes, Prote and Chalkos. Does this sound agreeable to everyone?
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Re: RP- Port Battle for the Strait

Postby Jack Teach » Tue Jul 10, 2018 11:59 pm

Jack says:

All in favor say "aye"

all of them say eye, with the exception of some others wanting to plunder some more ports
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Re: RP- Port Battle for the Strait

Postby Meliva » Wed Jul 11, 2018 12:05 am

Eden nods

Then our plan is decided then. As for those who wish to plunder additional ports, you may do so if you wish on your own or with other lords who wish to join, but I won't commit all of us to doing so. Tonight we can rest, relax, and party, tomorrow we finalize our plans and head out. With this, I believe this meeting may end.

Alright with this i think its a good place to end this one, the next one will continue the story. It's a bit late now so I will post it tomorrow.
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Re: RP- Port Battle for the Strait

Postby Jack Teach » Wed Jul 11, 2018 12:10 am

Jack puts his hat on and leaves
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