Extra Port Acres for plantations

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Extra Port Acres for plantations

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Jul 03, 2018 11:30 pm

All ports get 20,000 acres for plantations. That's the base acreage and is the same for all ports.
We will add a way for Ports to expand their plantation acres up to an extra 70,000 acres more.

Acres are indestructible.

Acres can be added to ports with 2 ways:

1)National Law
Nations can choose to invest an amount starting from 0% to 25% of their total tax income to be invested in acres expansion at a specific port they own.
The amount can only be taken from tax income.

Acres gained this way will be added directly to the port and will be available for rental.
Acres addition will be gradual (even expansion through the game, according to the invested amount - not all acres added right away at update).
Nations will however, prepay the daily invested amount.

2)Through Court - Manual
Any individual will also be able to get acres for the port in similar fashion like build port.
The individual will select the amount of coin he wants to give.

Then, based on the coin he gave, he will increase the acreage by the relevant amount. Any acres an individual adds, will be given to him instantly, for a period of 90 days (no rent equivalent).

Cost: 350.000 per acre
You rent the acres for 90 days for no additional rent as you are the one who created them.
Equivalent rent: 3.888 per acre, per day
At the end of the period, the acres are freed to the port.

There will be a 3rd way, which however will not return allocated acres to the port:

Fertile Lands
Artifact - Player Port

Choose a port

You get 100 acres for 90 days at target port Plantation

Acres created are off the port limit.

Which means that even if a port is at its limit, you will be able to get acres with the card. Once the period expires, the acres will be removed. While the acres are used, they will not count at port total.

Let me know of your thoughts. This needs to be forwarded even tomorrow, if possible.
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Re: Extra Port Acres for plantations

Postby Poppy » Wed Jul 04, 2018 8:50 pm

Fertile land cards are back into circulation?
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Re: Extra Port Acres for plantations

Postby DezNutz » Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:23 am

I like the idea for Fertile Lands.

Would you need to have the construction permission to use that artifact?
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Re: Extra Port Acres for plantations

Postby Cutpurse » Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:36 am

could acres granted by fertile lands be used without active permission? this might be an interesting alternative to keep producing/developing a plantation, in case one wont reach an agreement with governour about renewal of license. definitely a good idea :)

spending nations treasury on adding acres is also good and benefical way to get all those billions out of circulation from nations treasuries
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Re: Extra Port Acres for plantations

Postby Captain Jack » Thu Jul 05, 2018 10:24 am

Cutpurse wrote:could acres granted by fertile lands be used without active permission? this might be an interesting alternative to keep producing/developing a plantation, in case one wont reach an agreement with governour about renewal of license. definitely a good idea :)

spending nations treasury on adding acres is also good and benefical way to get all those billions out of circulation from nations treasuries

Yes they could but it wouldn't make a difference. You cannot trick the governor/port; no operating permission, no production.
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Re: Extra Port Acres for plantations

Postby Cutpurse » Thu Jul 05, 2018 10:28 am

but i could still use the acres on utility building, and keep workers on improving any building? or would that feature be disabled aswell?
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Re: Extra Port Acres for plantations

Postby Captain Jack » Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:10 pm

Yes, this would be possible. Nice thought actually! You could still try for a cheap operating permission though, it could pay back better. But is surely adds hostile perspective which is good.
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Re: Extra Port Acres for plantations

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Jul 06, 2018 5:35 am

Fertile Lands has been implemented. It will act as the fail safe mechanism till the above are ready.

As an entry version, we used 300 acres @ 30 days. It might be a bit too powerful although these are temporal acres.
We can revise later as needed.
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Re: Extra Port Acres for plantations

Postby Captain Jack » Sun Aug 12, 2018 1:01 pm

Nations can now issue a Law named Acres Expansion.

Through this law they can decide how much they want to invest, from their daily income, to expand the acres of a single port.
Total daily income is taken in consideration for this (including rental incomes).

A nation with 5 ports right now, already controls 100k acres. This can give a number of 2.5M to 20M per day, based on the current rental fees. Which means that this nations can use this income directly to get more acres (20M will get 200 acres per day, at the rate of 100k per acre).

Of course, nations can choose to allocate even more (but no more than 25%) of their total income to expand acres faster.

The law works as following:
-After the nations update, the relevant amount of gc is allocated and is placed into a special coffer (Public Works Coffer).
-Then, according to the investment amount, acres expansion is evenly balanced across the day. This happens at the top of each hour.
-Once acres are added, the Public Works Coffer is charged with the relevant amount.

We have further plans for the Public Works Coffer. So, not only we have a way to distribute new acres without making timezone important, but we also got a new concept where we will be able to build on it later.

The national Treasury page will soon display the remaining funds in this coffer (for the time being, only Acres Expansion law will be able to spend these).
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Re: Extra Port Acres for plantations

Postby Kangaroo » Sun Aug 12, 2018 1:18 pm

Great news, thank you CJ
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