You are both right.
Right now, you are in the ocean. It's not as hard as it seems though.
Our initial reason for not giving so much feedback, was what psychodad says. Plus, we do want to obscure some parts, to allow you to improvise.
Then wolfie came, with an excellent idea. Orders. During beta we will add this sub-system. Orders will help the system understand what you are trying to do. Then, it will provide you feedback based on the orders you gave versus the actual commands you have made. Then, it will even suggest you what to do to reach what you want. Of course, commands will also affect your plantation but their affects will be slight. Their major functionality will be to link the in-depth plantations system with something that a player can realize.
There is something more, the warning system. The basic form of this, will be available till tomorrow I hope. At its full version, you could have a hireable plantation headmaster. You will train him too or sell him (trade him) with other players (he will be placed at the ship market most probably, no need to create new market types for this). So, at its early version, the warnings will be few and very specific, when things go grim. With the plantation headmaster (janitor/whatever you want) you will get more info. That's out of the scope of this topic though.