RP- Port Battle for the Strait

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RP- Port Battle for the Strait

Postby Meliva » Wed Jun 27, 2018 2:00 am

Time for a new RP, this one is a 3 on the realism scale, so only a little magic here and there is allowed, embellishments are also fine to a degree.

Rules are as follows.

1. Try to keep things in character. Don't post something unrelated to the RP here. If you don't like this RP, don't complain about it here. Post a new thread or start your own RP thread if you don't like this one. I would actually be quite happy if someone posts a RP of their own so please feel free to do so.
2. You can control your characters actions-You can not control others. NPC's are fair game and anyone can control them, so long as its believable and in character. A guard for example shouldn't just up and decide to shoot an orphan for no reason-that is out of character. Anyone without a name will be considered a NPC, if you name a character but want it to be a NPC then just mention that said character is NPC in quotation marks after a post.
3. You are allowed to have multiple characters- but be reasonable. Don't flood the story with a bunch of your characters. 2 or 3 in one story is fine, anything past that is sort of pushing it unless you are really good at managing them.
4. Use Italics for actions, and try to separate things nice and neat. Also use paragraphs when needed. Quotations if for speaking out of the roleplay.
5. No editing of a post once you post it. The exception is to fix spelling mistakes or minor errors. It can be real annoying when someone posts one thing and another responds to it only to find what they responded too is now completely different.
6-Do not act on knowledge you know but your character doesn't- If for example Character A is being attacked in the tavern, and your character is in the church, you can't have your character suddenly rush to the tavern to help unless you can give a reason WHY he knows what is happening or he is rushing to the tavern.
7. The most important rule- Have fun.

Next post begins the story.
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Re: RP- Port Battle for the Strait

Postby Meliva » Wed Jun 27, 2018 2:00 am

As of late a lot of tension and arguments have been boiling between the 3 ports near the Great Avonmora Strait. The Governors of Thorokas, Caspian and Neapolis all have plans for it, but none can act on their plans so long as the other 2 oppose them. What these plans are, is unknown at the moment, but what is known, is that the tensions keep mounting, and it won't be long before blows are struck. The 3 ports are all rallying militia, and bounty hunters to prepare ahead of time for the battles to come. A young woman, by the name of Emily, has also sent for bounty hunters and other's to join her, as she has decided it would be in her, and many other's best interests if the Strait remains unowned by any port or nation. She waits in a tavern on the island for her friends and those seeking profit to come join her. She is currently offering 1 million gold, for any captain and his crew to join her. She sits in a booth in the tavern drinking wine as she eyes the door.
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Re: RP- Port Battle for the Strait

Postby Jack Teach » Wed Jun 27, 2018 2:32 am

Jack teach walks in, wearing nice clothes, and a boat cloak. He walks over to the bar, and taking off the cloak and his hat and hanging them on a peg. He orders a beer and seems to take no notice of emily
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Re: RP- Port Battle for the Strait

Postby Meliva » Wed Jun 27, 2018 2:56 am

Brian, Carl and Zephyra enter a short time later, and Emily calls them over.

Hey, guys, come over here. Got some news to tell ya, and some work if your all interested. But I think you all would want to help regardless of profit anyway.
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Re: RP- Port Battle for the Strait

Postby Jack Teach » Wed Jun 27, 2018 2:59 am

jack walks over with beer in hand and his pipe in the other, looking about the room.
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Re: RP- Port Battle for the Strait

Postby Meliva » Wed Jun 27, 2018 3:04 am

The bar, at the moment is largely empty. It's just the bartender, a few men off duty, and Emily in at the moment. Emily takes another large drink of wine from the bottle before she speaks

Glad you all got back in one piece. Though Jack seems a bit distracted. Regardless, what's going on is pretty serious-at least for most sailors, and that might hurt my business too. Come have a seat and we can talk about it.

Brian, Carl and Zephyra sit down near her, while Emily finishes the bottle of wine and takes out another-it looks like she's been drinking all day.
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Re: RP- Port Battle for the Strait

Postby D00T » Wed Jun 27, 2018 3:07 am

Leoric enters the bar, and after ordering a drink, starts to mix some of the alcohol with two other different liquid
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Re: RP- Port Battle for the Strait

Postby Meliva » Wed Jun 27, 2018 3:33 am

Emily see's Leoric and shouts to him, her speech slightly slurred.

Hey, bucko, you look tough and capable. Wanna earn a million gold? I need some men to fight for me, and sadly my aunt in all her bloody wisdom has me working alone. Well she sent a runt so that's something.

Emily takes another drink from the bottle, while carl counts about 5 empty ones below the table. Brian taps her shoulder

You all right there?

Emily nods

Im fine. Drinking wine I made myself that tastes like death, and receiving no help from the mages, but forget all that. We need to focus on the matter at hand. The issue with the strait. Now all you come sit down here and I can fill ya in.
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Re: RP- Port Battle for the Strait

Postby D00T » Wed Jun 27, 2018 3:35 am

Leoric sighs and pours the solution into a vial and walks over
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Re: RP- Port Battle for the Strait

Postby Meliva » Wed Jun 27, 2018 3:43 am

She nods to him as she sets her bottle down.

Alright good, im gonna make this quick, since I think im gonna pass out soon. The great avonmora strait is currently being contested over. The 3 ports close to it, and their governors all want to take control of it, and do something with it. What that is, won't end well for many people, so, I am currently trying to gather up enough of a force, that I can beat back the 3 port's forces, and keep the strait out of anyone's possession. Sadly, I ain't got any forces to fight with at the moment on account of a certain incident rendering most of my assets invalid for the time being. Which is why I need the help of my friends like you, and mercs. I won't force you all to get involved but if nothing is done it won't end well for many people.
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