Voodoo or tech implementation?

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Voodoo or tech implementation?

Postby PFH » Thu Jun 21, 2018 5:05 pm

So i have been talking with a few people and there is an effect i was to discuss with the community. This is an effect called Scrapyard.

The voodoo idea is this part:
8 turns

Effect: lower target ship level 1 level. Give 45% of gold needed for that level to you. If ship is level 1 at the time of casting, force sell ship to shipwright, and return 70% of materials needed to enemy warehouse of the port the ship was sold, and give 90% of the ship’s cost to the caster.

The tech idea is a little sketchy but has potential. This tech was to be used to combo with either cards or other tech, like piracy tech.

The jist is whenever a ship loses a level, add 40% of what it cost for that level to you. If ship is sunk, add 10% of materials to build the ship to the warehouse that the ship sunk in. Each level increases level cost gain by 2% and material cost gain by 3%. This can be comboed with Call Leviathan and Fire ship.

If you cast levi on any ship, bonused apply. Fire ship a ship, bonuses apply. Battle enemy ship and the tail loses a level, bonuses apply.

The requirements to have Scrapyard is Piracy tech level 20 and shipwright management level 20. Prices to upgrade the tech are still under thought.

What do you guys think it should be? A new curse or a new tech? :P :P :P
Last edited by PFH on Thu Jun 21, 2018 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Voodoo or tech implementation?

Postby Meliva » Thu Jun 21, 2018 5:13 pm

between the 2 id say tech. Because we have call leviathan already, and this voodoo idea is just a beefed up version of it.

As for the tech idea, it definitely needs work. The material gain, based on what you wrote, when maxed out would return 135% of the materials to your warehouse when a ship loses a level-which doesn't make any sense given a scrapyard shouldn't get more materials out of thin air.

And as I recall a fireship doesn't reduce any levels-unless you imply the tech works on yourself as well, so losing levels of your own ships benefits you, in which case this tech can very easily be abused especially with the 135% material bonus.

Level a whole bunch of howkers to level 10, fireship the hell out of someone, and you get all the material back, plus a bonus, as well as a nice chunk of gold.
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Re: Voodoo or tech implementation?

Postby PFH » Thu Jun 21, 2018 5:16 pm

You are right there. About materials.

Fireship applies when the ship is sunk only. So the materials wouldnt changed as you level the ship up, only the gold. You can only fireship your own ships so you would basically be recycling for nothing. It could just be another way to store gold. You wouldnt exactly get all the gold back that you put into it, just like buying gold bars at a port, then immediately selling the same amount.

I will make an edit on the materials real quick.

Made it start at 10% then increase by 3% so when the tech reaches level 20, 70% will be the return just like normal shipwright. If i did the math right. Im a lil worn out from real life so i may not be on my math game :D
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Re: Voodoo or tech implementation?

Postby Shadowood » Thu Jun 21, 2018 5:29 pm

Interesting idea.. I suggested something a little similar about a year and half back. Please read over this and see what you think.


I really liked the idea of a lot of "scrap" just floating in the sea from Sea Battles and ships losing levels. Perhaps the Tech or Voodoo could be "Salvage" or "Scavenge".

I will bump the post as well for others to see.
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Re: Voodoo or tech implementation?

Postby PFH » Fri Jun 22, 2018 4:46 pm

I read the suggestion, and its a good one shadow :)

As jack talked about in the slack community chat, we need to get through our forums on suggestions and not leave them stalled out. Lets start with most recent one and move from there :))

Anyone want to put in their sense on this suggestion yet? I could use the help to het this going ;)
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Re: Voodoo or tech implementation?

Postby ChaIbaud » Fri Jun 22, 2018 4:59 pm

-1 to voodoo because we have CL, -1 to the technology because at max level this is wildly OP and there already exists a way and means to get resources in ports, take down ships, weaken ships, etc.

However, I do like the idea of scrap in general, maybe instead of getting the gold value of the cargo you could opt to keep as much as your fleet could hold and sell the excess?
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Re: Voodoo or tech implementation?

Postby Shadowood » Fri Jun 22, 2018 6:43 pm

I say lets wait for Plantations, Flagship, Ship Abilities to come first.. Then in 2019 we can work on this.
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Re: Voodoo or tech implementation?

Postby PFH » Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:00 pm

Shadowood wrote:I say lets wait for Plantations, Flagship, Ship Abilities to come first.. Then in 2019 we can work on this.

Fair enough. Would we be able to have a forum topic to store the “Stalled” topics so we can get to then all at once? I dont think archives is the right topic, but more of a “preaddress” topic. Or a save for future debate forum.
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