Adama wrote:DezNutz wrote:Clockwork wrote:Alkobra then escalated it to asking merc to hit us harder. Are we not to retaliate for that? Then he comes to asking for help in his own shit storm. Then you warn your entire guild and shadowood proceeds to time spiral me to hell and now you say we are going overboard? We at shield justify this as bogus and bias logically falicies
That's nice to know. And you have proof of that. I'm sure those in charge of MERC, if true, would love to know that their contract information (to include potential contracts), which they claim to be secretive, is being passed out to non-MERC members.
Why are you defending these pirates who are attacking us with no purpose then whining when we fight back.
Simply, SuzyQ is involved. I find it quite humorous that SuzyQ is doing the same crap he did before after PM'ing me about how much he changed. And the hypocrisy is quite amazing. There is a great topic where SuzyQ cries about vets attacking newer weaker players associated with him and here he turns and does the same.