by Meliva » Sat Jun 02, 2018 1:13 am
Emily just looks confused.
I have no idea who that is or where he might be. So no, I couldn't send a message to someone I have no knowledge about. Also Jack, magic is just like any other tool. It can be used for evil like that fake is doing, or used for good like I am doing. Don't blame magic for evil deeds. That's as stupid as blaming guns for violence. Its the individual using them that determines whether or not it is used for evil. This is a major reason why Vune made that stupid fake in the first place-your always demonizing magic, so she decided to show you some really bad magic and hope you learned the difference between magic used for bad malevolent reasons, or good ones.
Regardless, if you know where that john fellow is, i can send a message threre. Just write a letter and ill teleport it straight there.
I'm a meanie head! Beware my Meanness