automatic trade routes and cargo shipping/storage

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automatic trade routes and cargo shipping/storage

Postby Cgoody » Tue May 22, 2018 10:29 pm

Would there be any way to implement something that allows fleets to fill up partially? ie if i send a fleet with 540 max cargo to a port im picking up gold at, currently if there is less than 540 gold bars, the entire fleet reverts to the regular market option you selected. would it be too complex to make it so that it picks up all the gold it can, and the rest is filled based on your market choice?

also, if there is less than 540 spots in warehouse left, the ships don't offload any of the cargo rather than storing what it can.

figured id ask. assuming that's too much of a hassle, but asking can't hurt. it's probably not worth it though.
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Re: automatic trade routes and cargo shipping/storage questi

Postby sXs » Tue May 22, 2018 10:34 pm

Already possible

Gold bar/ load from warehouse never buy from market.

And then on the load from warehouse click the drop down and choose the good you want it to load as well.

I think this is what you are talking about unless I am misunderstanding.
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Re: automatic trade routes and cargo shipping/storage questi

Postby Cgoody » Wed May 23, 2018 5:02 pm

I'll try it again at some point then. Last time It didn't work that way for whatever reason. It just left the gold there and went for market choice. :?: :arr
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Re: automatic trade routes and cargo shipping/storage

Postby Captain Jack » Wed May 23, 2018 5:55 pm

Loading is per ship, not per fleet. So if there are 300 gold bars and you are using LMMS, then first two will get gold (240) and they will leave 60 crates sitting as the 3rd will pick from the port.

Partial fill is however out of the question for now. Too much micromanagement. You never know what the future brings though, if we are out of ideas elsewhere.
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