It has come to my attention that someone is threatening players that if i join their guild, that they will spiral us down. Being in moody specifically. Would anyone like to step forward and confront me about our apparent “beef” or dilemmas that have not been fixed? Not only have i left kiri for a short time to prove myself not a nation raider anymore, but to sieze my old ways as well, and then to be threatened for the past? How ridiculous are you guys for that? Past is the past and get over it. Im changing in game and have been for a long time. In fact i no longer do that crap. To threaten others for my long gone past is irrelevant and is childish. Whoever did it stand up. Tell me who you are. We can solve this issue however you please. If you all dont stand, and i find out who you all are, im not afraid to give you guys what you threatened against me and tony 10 fold. Stand up and admit it or i will find out and make it hell for you guys. We can make a logical agreement and deal for the past i have had or make this a bigger issue than it really is. Really it shouldnt be an issue. Its childish.
Stand up for your words. Who are the ones who threaten the guilds i join? Who are the rats who are scared to confront me directly like the children they are? Stand up cowards. Don’t miss your chance to make it right for both parties. Ive been more than reasonable with people lately and this is totally silly.
Sincerely with love and good wishes,