What a fantastic group of players on all teams. I rather enjoyed reading everyone's blurb. I especially liked reading Shadow's. And if i read it right, a few of us stayed behind to take the port of Goroum, but then again what would you expect from this group of legends and one rookie.
I would definitely spend a few gold to see the movie made by DezNutz, sounds riveting and entertaining... but should we allow the entertainment to win? They already have many many awards for movies, so I don’t think its fair to add this to the awards list but I hope the Oscar goes to....
Pulpop did a fantastic job enlisting the votes of his team as he developed his plan. Voting was very important on pirate ships and he did it well. But if memory serves, there is a time and place for his strategy, and its coming up in November, and in November he will have my vote but not now.
So Kangaroo want to take a bunch of people, some pirates, some criminals, some entrepreneurs and create a thriving nation. Hmmm that sounds familiar. Not a very original idea, im pretty sure that’s how Australia was founded. In Fact isn’t Kangaroo and Astra Australian? Historic plagiarism will never get my vote! Good day sir… I said good day!
Lodswe’s crew is very interesting, but lets face it… This is the 1600’s (maybe) and we are all about diversity. There are way too many people that start in or are active members of one guild. While im sure this is the same in other crews too, I don’t have the time to see. My vote is reserved for a crew that has a lot more of ME in it.
In shadows crew, he picked masterful pirates to attack with, bountiful coin to support his operations with his merchants and when all else fails, he also has the witch doctor who has been the topic of every single persons but hurt topic.
For this reason, and the fact we stole a golden ass, shadow gets my vote. Thanks for including me everyone
You can sheer a sheep many times, but only skin it once!