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Re: Generosity

Postby sXs » Thu Mar 01, 2018 2:13 pm

Danik wrote:I protest : being able to mess with another players raids is a key battle element : I have often used gennies to that end and as a tool to control the de-fleeting of a target to benefit myself rather than A N Other. The 'ninja' of a raid or ship-theft is one of the hardest tasks and shouldnt be made any harder just to keep the instang joy brigade happy : again.

I have done this a few times myself.
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Re: Generosity

Postby Shadowood » Thu Mar 01, 2018 5:30 pm

Captain Jack wrote:
Wolfie wrote:If we are to remove genos then I say we remove effect of FOJ casted few seconds before top of the hour

No, but we could move FoJ back to common status.
Yes, FoJ, at the initial release, was common!

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Re: Generosity

Postby PhoenixKnight » Thu Mar 01, 2018 5:36 pm

If I had to pick, I would say remove ambush and FOJ
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Re: Generosity

Postby Lefty » Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:47 am

Captain Jack wrote:
Wolfie wrote:If we are to remove genos then I say we remove effect of FOJ casted few seconds before top of the hour

No, but we could move FoJ back to common status.
Yes, FoJ, at the initial release, was common!

I like that idea.
Perhaps Generosity should be downgraded as well :D
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Re: Generosity

Postby Sebena » Fri Mar 02, 2018 4:35 am

Captain Jack wrote:
Wolfie wrote:If we are to remove genos then I say we remove effect of FOJ casted few seconds before top of the hour

No, but we could move FoJ back to common status.
Yes, FoJ, at the initial release, was common!

Sure if they will need to be casted much earlier than measley 15 seconds or make mindbar common or uncommon at least
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Re: Generosity

Postby William one eye » Fri Mar 02, 2018 12:58 pm

New card suggestion. Chance to help the ship theif, and adds strategy.

Pilfer. Rare

Duration 1 hour

Stack 2

Can be cast by any player at a target player.
If a geno is cast on the target player there is
X chance that the casting player steals the geno and it goes to the casting players treasury.

X = 50% chance of theft single player casting.
X = 75% chance of theft single player casting 2 stacked.
X = 25% chance and 25% chance independant roles.
When stacked by 2 sepatate players.
If both casters win the roll to steal the geno, it goes
to the first caster. There is then an another roll
giving the second caster a 50% shot to steal from
the first caster.

This card could make things interesting.
No gurantee it will work. But there is aways a chance the geno might get stolen by the ship theif, or even some other opportunist. Possiblility more than 1 geno cast could get stolen.

However the duration being only 1 hour,
The caster would need to use this at the right moment by trying to guess when a geno was coming or it would be wasted. Or they could constantly apply these. The helping player could use insight to try and avoid hitting this. Also The helping player can cast pilfer as well which would have an odd but strategic effect.

Doubt many would want this card so even though rare it would probably not be a very expensive card.

I will say, I have never had to much trouble with genos, in a ship theft situation. If their guild mate has a chance to get a geno off, the ship theif is moving to slow. I realize though this complaint lies more with long term raids where someone is trying to drain off a players treasury and then take their ships. If their guild mates dont try to help after several hours of ongoing attacks, they are not very good guildmates. You should be expecting genos to get cast and plan accordingly.
I have had more problems with ships leveling down, or other players losing another fleet belonging to the target interfearing with my ship thefts.
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