NPC/Interface responses - Mini-Suggestions

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Re: NPC/Interface responses - Mini-Suggestions

Postby OG Deadking » Tue Feb 20, 2018 6:45 pm

Dejanira wrote:Also, I'm kind of stubborn and I renew this old suggestion as it goes in the direction of adding more rpg: Port missions

Dejanira wrote:My idea is to enhance the "meet the governor" page.
One could meet the governor and be asked something like:
:arrow: transport these 10,000 crates to the port of X in the next two hours and you'll grant a 50k gold for your effort
:arrow: we are in urgent need of cotton/iron/whatever, if you can manage to get it here in one hour I'll reward you with these 25k gold
:arrow: deliver this letter to the governor of port Y and I'll pay you 10k for your help
:arrow: trasport a full fleet of immigrants to our port and I'll order to deliver 500 crates of goods to your warehouse
:arrow: etc. etc.
and the mission would be renewed once completed.

While older players would probably think these are too cheap missions, I think this may help people at the beginning in exploring the map and having some gold to build the first ships.

Edit: added a couple of pics to better show the idea.
I'm thinking of this. But this is a suggestion and of course it is debatable (for example how many missions daily would there could be?)

(I used fiction port names)

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Re: NPC/Interface responses - Mini-Suggestions

Postby Admiral Nelson » Wed Feb 21, 2018 7:31 am

I like DezNuts idea (Creating a more, easier to read Battle Log n whether it be for NPC's OR PvP) -- Perhaps that players can produce?

For example:
The Dragon fires its last few gunshots, as the Noble Queen Victoria pummels the deck and gives no quater - Within a matter of moments, the gunfight was over, and The Dragon fled back to its dock for repairs.
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Re: NPC/Interface responses - Mini-Suggestions

Postby Shadowood » Wed Feb 21, 2018 9:21 pm

Dejanira wrote:Would be nice if every now and then it is the daughter/son contacting you. Could be your wife/husband, to tell you something (like "remember me" or "don't get a flu while sailing" or even "look at Vaasburg-Regis, I think it is profitable") or could be one of the others, jealous or flirticious.

Aye, I want messages from my wife and mistresses! Telling me to bring them back shiny expensive things from my voyages or egging me on to steal a fleet. Maybe their responses could be tied into the Hostility/Honor point system. The more hostility the more aggressive the requests... The more honor the more noble of a request. Little bit of a Fable system
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