Hello everybody here like I promised is the next RP which is going to be a bit different then the past ones. This RP will be taking place in Regis 13 years before Jack took it over in a previous RP. The rules are mostly the same.
1. Try to keep things in character. Don't post something unrelated to the RP here. If you don't like this RP, don't complain about it here. Post a new thread or start your own RP thread if you don't like this one. I would actually be quite happy if someone posts a RP of their own so please feel free to do so.
2. You can control your characters actions-You can not control others. NPC's are fair game and anyone can control them, so long as its believable and in character. A guard for example shouldn't just up and decide to shoot an orphan for no reason-that is out of character. Anyone without a name will be considered a NPC.
3. You are allowed to have multiple characters- but be reasonable. Don't flood the story with a bunch of your characters. 2 or 3 in one story is fine, anything past that is sort of pushing it unless you are really good at managing them.
4. Use Italics for actions, and try to separate things nice and neat. Also use paragraphs when needed.
5. Since this RP is taking place 13 years ago if your character was involved in any of the past RP's you need to scale their age back. For example my main character Ellen is 25 at present. So if I were to use her in this story(though I don't plan to) I would need to use her as a 12 year old.
6. The most important rule- Have fun.
The realism in this RP will be another mostly unrealistic one. It is a scale of 4-as in not very realistic at all.