This is not for trade routes,
This is for fleets with no routes or paused routes
In the first column you select a fleet, in the second column you select the port you want that fleet to travel to.
Page would have these features
Checkbox for danger halt
If danger halt is selected the fleet will not depart for the selected port until the danger is gone this includes a selected fleet that is moving and receives a secondary destination.
For fleets containing ships that do not have enough crew.
Checkbox auto assign crew minimum on send order
Checkbox auto assign crew maximum on send order
For fleet containing damagesd ships
Checkbox for auto repair on send order
Column 1
Check box for
Stopped fleets. Moving fleets. All fleets
Drop down menu with fleets selected above
Drop down menu with fleets selected above
Repeat as many more that will comfortably fit on a sceen
Column 2 across from column 1
Drop down menu to select port
Drop down menu to select port
Repeate for each fleet selected you can select a port.
Then a send fleets button at the bottom
Fleets that are already moving will have to reach the port first before moving to the next assigned port.
edit - adding sample of possible page layout