New ranking system.

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New ranking system.

Postby Acadien » Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:39 pm

I don't know for you, but for me this is on the way of getting really ridiculous.

The fame ranking was a good idea from the start, although right now it's getting old.. And with the new addition of the Voodoo card you can exept major daily retarded change in the ranking non-stop. Which make peoples who have spend more then a years building their fame can be taking away by a newcomer that barelly know how to play the game. It's true..! It's happening right now as we speak!

We should'nt see people of the 7xxx in the top20. We should'nt see people of the be in the top30, yet they are there! With only a few merchant ship they are already at the top ranking.. Am i the only one who think it's retarded and it will just cause peoples to leave after they get hit really hard. ( Hopefully Zuzik you won't)..

I do not know what to suggest to you jack, all i can say and i think everyone would back me up on this one, is to have a new ranking systems. Be creative.. I don't say get rid of the fame ranking, you can keep it, although you should add some kind of experience ranking which cannot be taking down at all. Here is what i've got in mind..

When you attack someone, it's give you experience.
When you attack a more higher ranked player then you, it give you more experience.
When you finish a trade route, home-port, deliver good, then come back at you're main port. it give you experience.
The farter the port is, the more experience you are getting.

All that with still getting you're fame point. Although you're fame won't be the main general ranking. Fame points would just shift while attacking, defending & trading.. like it always been.

I am just throwing that here, but we need it pretty fast...

Everyone should discuss of this right now..
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Re: New ranking system.

Postby Acadien » Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:00 pm

I wanna add this.

Sorry Zuzik but you are the perferct exemple here again.
Basicly i've gained 5.000.000pts from zuzik, and the 5.000.000 rest got vanished out in the blue.

5.000.000 ... ... That a lot of pts gone forever... it can take up to 6months maybe just to gather that if you already have a high trade fleet system going. By this rate if everyone attack everyone, all those long earn points will be all gone without exeption. Don't say that i am wrong on this one. Cause i am right.. Anyone who feel like doing a suicide in the game ( by that i mean attacking everyone for a week or 2 ), everyone would be brough back at stoneage..
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Re: New ranking system.

Postby Hellfire » Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:49 pm

There could also be a gold ranking, how much you have invested and upgraded factors into the total gold you have earned, and it will drop when one of you investments (say a ship or something) gets its level dropped or is captured. Just a thought.
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Re: New ranking system.

Postby M0nkeydluffy » Sun Mar 18, 2012 5:02 am

i think we should make fame more stable instead. .the loss when beaten or when one wins will be minimal. .and instead make another ranking a bounty ranking. .the higher the ranking the more fame could be had frm him and this ranking could be more unstable like the current fame rankins. .what do u think. ? U guys figure it out
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Re: New ranking system.

Postby Phill » Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:40 am

I lost nearly 20mil overnight, but it is my own fault for not preparing myself for the new voodoo system.

I agree there could be some changes, but I'd rather it was a lot more random and quick changing like it is now, then having it stagnant as it was previously.
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Re: New ranking system.

Postby Captain Jack » Sun Mar 18, 2012 4:37 pm

The basic ranking is fame. The most "famous" pirate tops the list. The basic idea for making this ranking is realism.

Who is the MOST notorious pirate ?

This can be counted in fame.

Gold already matters in fame ranking. Every gold piece you spend, increases your fame.
Conquering beautiful important ladies, also improves your fame.
Beating your opponents also earns you fame!

Now, you can also lose fame. When ? When you are attacked. Again, the idea that the other player will gain some fame out of it, is based on realism. What is more realistic than the player who beats an important player earns some of the reputation ?

Not all though, some has to be lost, again it is realistic. Just think of a company of 3 guys dicussing the feats of a pirate. Let's say Phil. Imagine them discuss Phil day by day. How his fame grows... and then one day one guy says:
- "Phil has lost a crucial battle!"
- What, where? I can't believe it, that guy is a best! (Said the 2nd guy)
- Yeah I am telling you ! Guy X got him! (Said the 1st guy)
- Woah, this must be a powerful one! (Said the 3rd guy)
- No way Phil lost, I do not believe it. It must have been a trap. Wait and see , no matter what, he will come out on top! (said the 2nd guy!)

Now on to game mechanism, I agree that this fame loss may sound a little harsh. But take into your consideration that 25 millions of fame is again a whole lot bulk of fame. A starting guy, still starts with 0 fame. The difference is chaotic so it is only normal and inevitable that the difference in fame will be downsized.

Also, it worths mentioning that all players face the same mechanisms so it always comes down to who will come out on top. What we certainly all want to make sure, is that the game is entertaining, this is its purpose. A purpose that current system seems to succeed in as the active players numbers are soaring right now!

To finalize my thoughts on this point, it is a pretty straightforward way to measure players by fame. As always, we are open to ideas but let them be a bit spefic. I personally cannot think of a better way to rank players. Counting strength would be too difficult. So we do count fame ;)
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Re: New ranking system.

Postby Black sparrow » Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:02 pm

I personally find the current system fair and very flexible to work with.
Everyone wants fame but it always come with a cost. The whole system greatly improves my strategical thinking.
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Re: New ranking system.

Postby Xepshunall » Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:22 pm

Phill wrote:I lost nearly 20mil overnight, but it is my own fault for not preparing myself for the new voodoo system.

I agree there could be some changes, but I'd rather it was a lot more random and quick changing like it is now, then having it stagnant as it was previously.

Now here's a guy who gets it. I have played Pirates Glory in the past on server 1 as Red Beard and on Server 2 as Xepshunall. To be completely frank, I found it boring after I had passed everyone on server 1. If the changes that are present now had been implemented right after I reached the top and then someone stripped away a big chunk of my gold and fame , It would have been an awakening instead of an injustice. I can't get over how much more interesting it is now and how much more strategy is involved in the various aspects of the game. As satisfied with the changes as I am, I have to put in my little gripe. I know... hindsight... 20/20... Blah... Blah. I would have really appreciated the rumor event feature prior to the changes in ship/fleet speeds but better late than never. All in all. I am F...king ecstatic with the game and with how willing the design team is to implement great features that are suggested. I just advised one of my Elders in my guild to submit his idea. You guys really offer a worthwhile way to pass the time. I find myself wishing I could quit my job and just play Pirates Glory until I die.
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Re: New ranking system.

Postby Black sparrow » Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:44 pm

I can't agree more with you Xepshunall. I am on the same position here. :D :D
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Re: New ranking system.

Postby Xepshunall » Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:55 pm

Acadien wrote:I don't know for you, but for me this is on the way of getting really ridiculous.

The fame ranking was a good idea from the start, although right now it's getting old.. And with the new addition of the Voodoo card you can exept major daily retarded change in the ranking non-stop. Which make peoples who have spend more then a years building their fame can be taking away by a newcomer that barelly know how to play the game. It's true..! It's happening right now as we speak!

I do not know what to suggest to you jack, all i can say and i think everyone would back me up on this one, is to have a new ranking systems. Be creative.. I don't say get rid of the fame ranking, you can keep it, although you should add some kind of experience ranking which cannot be taking down at all. Here is what i've got in mind..

I have to agree with Acadien on part of this one. Fame by itself no longer fits as a way to measure the worthiness of a player. I say this because of the inclusion of guild related concerns. It does, however give a strong indication of activeness of a player. Imagine you are a new player who, as it happens, understands the Pirate ID number system and fame. You are looking at the guild rankings and see that a Guild Master with 50,000 fame has a Pirate ID of 10000. You also notice a Guild Master whose Pirate ID is 7000 and whose fame is 300,000. Your first inclination if you're willing to think it through thoroughly is to go with the new guy. Now imagine there is a second statistic (let's call it Experience. After all, everybody else does). The same two Guild Masters have 60,000 and 700,000 Experience respectively. If the statistics are explained, this would eliminate the need to think it through thoroughly and the beginner would join his peer's guild right away and begin prospering immensely and thus enhance game-play. I believe Experience should equal all Fame ever earned without subtracting for loss of battles or blunders with the Governor's daughter and such. The spread in values will speak volumes.

Acadien wrote:We should'nt see people of the 7xxx in the top20. We should'nt see people of the be in the top30, yet they are there! With only a few merchant ship they are already at the top ranking.. Am i the only one who think it's retarded and it will just cause peoples to leave after they get hit really hard. ( Hopefully Zuzik you won't)....

Now for the "No you dit-unt".

117 England Satel (#2956) 24,709
118 Canada Xepshunall (#10846) SS 24,607
119 United States of America RedTooth (#152) 24,305

I am on my way to being in violation of the Pirate ID to fame ratio that Acadien would enforce. I admit I am an experienced player of old and can see how a player can climb very fast or fall even faster. I am very proud of my progress and plan to lead my guild members to comparable gains. If you have the power to act against me as I act against you or to make the same profit per hour per fleet, then you have no grounds for complaint. This is after all PIRATES GLORY where the pirate has the glory. I will be glad to accept an invitation to battle from any whose fame is similar to mine and even more willing if their experience greatly exceeds mine. Acadien, I challenge to to adapt to the new aspects of the game so that some day you may stand a chance against my combat fleets when I build them.

This brings up something I read about the injustice of powerful players preying on new ones. As far as I know, a player can be wiped out immediately after beginning the game simply by use of a voodoo curse. I do not approve of such activities and would enact a safety net related, in some way, to the aforementioned Experience rating. Nobody deserves negative publicity for creating a great game simply because it's players can ruin it for others. A warning, prior to the creation of a players first fleet, might say something like, "BUILD AND GROW OR RISK 'DEATH'!" with a little side note to explain it's meaning. If a new player hasn't reached a certain amount of Fame by the time their Experience reaches a certain level, they might be "INVITED" to review the tutorials and forced to acknowledge having read and understood them, prior to making any moves or having moves made against them, so they have no grounds to whine about injustices. During all restricted times any would-be plunderers may get an ominous message that Pirate # XXXXX is under the protection of the Gods.

I've said my piece. Again, thanks for the euphoric escape from reality.
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