Players Preferred Direction of PG? - [Poll]

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Preferred Direction of the Game?

Voodoo and less realistic elements.
Ship specialization, experience, and battle tactics.
Economical and Industrial Trading Features.
Total votes : 55

Re: Players Preferred Direction of PG? - [Poll]

Postby Stan Rogers » Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:31 am

I think voodoo is too big a revenue stream for the devs to give up until there is some way to regenerate another method to earn real currency. I certainly do not begrudge them and lets face it, voodoo does make opportunities happen for players as well.
That said, I too would like to see more parameters where a captain can make choices based on data he collects and accesses his ability to win /lose battles. Something to eliminate the cookie-cutter approach of ship development that is the current normal.
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Re: Players Preferred Direction of PG? - [Poll]

Postby Charles Vane » Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:38 am

Grimrock Litless wrote:I think that some voodoos must be removed, replaced with ingame actions can be done using, fleets, ships, gold, items. While some must be left untouched. Untouched voodoo are voodoo that would be generally useful to new players, like Iron Golem.

Voodoo are easy to use, useful for newer players who don't have the resource to spend other resources for actions.

I agree.

I am definitely playing the Devils Advocate here in regards to voodoo in hopes to make a change.

Surely some form of "contract shipping" or charity shipping to another players warehouse would work just as well.

Stan Rogers wrote:I think voodoo is too big a revenue stream for the devs to give up until there is some way to regenerate another method to earn real currency. I certainly do not begrudge them and lets face it, voodoo does make opportunities happen for players as well.
That said, I too would like to see more parameters where a captain can make choices based on data he collects and accesses his ability to win /lose battles. Something to eliminate the cookie-cutter approach of ship development that is the current normal.

I also agree with this, so tying credits in with other features would still be a necessity. The game needs to earn or the devs cant spend the time, this is both expected and understandable. Credits can still play a key role elsewhere though given the proper thought and imagination.
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Re: Players Preferred Direction of PG? - [Poll]

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Mon Jan 15, 2018 5:03 am

I think with the market and the crazy profits traders make voodoo is not out of reach for them.
I would like to see all aspects improve and tire of the incessant ramblings of each faction trying to find ways to make it easier for them.
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Re: Players Preferred Direction of PG? - [Poll]

Postby Kangaroo » Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:18 am

I went # 2 without struggling with the call, apparently so did most
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Re: Players Preferred Direction of PG? - [Poll]

Postby Captain Savage » Mon Jan 15, 2018 10:54 am

Have been wanting to see a game focused on pirating and support this boycott of voodoo. I have made many suggestions in the past and I think the best solution is to simply reduce voodoo count to 15 and integrate a few others into game actions

My most critical point about this game is that out of the mere 300 active players (5k fame and above) only 30 would commonly use offensive voodoo and the other 270 are forced to defend themselves by purchasing more voodoo. Often voodoo wars end up being who pays more to have more cards as casting can become incessant
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Re: Players Preferred Direction of PG? - [Poll]

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Jan 15, 2018 3:14 pm

Charles Vane wrote:
Meliva wrote:
Charles Vane wrote:
"Call Leviathan" - The goddess of the see herself grants you favor and the allegiance of her beasts. Requires (specified trinkets, gold, credits, etc. to earn her favor), able to sink / remove level from an enemy ship.

That actually gives me an idea, we should make it to where the wild nation can actually be incorporated somewhat into the game. Like you can do things that would please it, or things that upset it, and it can have rewards and consequences. This could be done using the honor and hostility points. What those actions can be, is up for debate, but i think its kinda sad and lame that we have wild nature in the game, but it has no real impact.

One of the rewards could be to summon creatures to attack ships. And depending on how much of a good relation you have with nature the better the creature.

Very Nice Idea Meliva. + 1 to the concept!

But what of those players with closer relations to wildlife - would they not have an unfair advantage?
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Re: Players Preferred Direction of PG? - [Poll]

Postby DezNutz » Mon Jan 15, 2018 3:18 pm

Those damn tree huggers.
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Re: Players Preferred Direction of PG? - [Poll]

Postby Shadowood » Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:53 pm

I have played a few games that allow players to "purchase" protection "bubbles". 8 hours or 24 hours.

During this period of time you can not be harmed in any fashion. However, if used you may not use another "bubble" for a certain period of time. This is to avoid just buying a permanent protection. I want to say you were not allow to pop a new one for 3 days after an 8 hour and 7 days for the 24 hour.

However, if you were raided or lost something of value, this reset the timer and it allowed you to then pop a new defensive bubble.

I could see something like this here, but at a very expensive valuation. Perhaps 100 credits for 8 hours, 250 credits for 24 hours.

Just throwing it out there as a credit sinker for ADMIN
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Re: Players Preferred Direction of PG? - [Poll]

Postby DezNutz » Mon Jan 15, 2018 5:00 pm

Need both a credit sinker and a major gold bar sinker. There is almost a 100k of GBs in each port.
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Re: Players Preferred Direction of PG? - [Poll]

Postby Shadowood » Mon Jan 15, 2018 5:08 pm

GB sinker comes from New Players building... and ship building.

CJ, purposed adding Gold Bars to all ships. I think it is a very valid idea.
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