Influence Ideas (Trade Route Influence) (Medium)

Here you can find all the ideas/suggestions that have already been approved by administration. These ideas will stay here in queue till they are implemented or... postponed! Feel free to browse through the ideas, add your own ideas and help us prioritize them correctly.

Ships and trading with influence?

YES to trading portion tied with influence
YES to EotC function of stealing influence
YES to warring nations influence function
NO to trading portion tied with influence
NO to EotC function of stealing influence
NO to warring nations influence function
Total votes : 50

Influence Ideas (Trade Route Influence) (Medium)

Postby PFH » Wed Jan 10, 2018 3:48 am

Option to turn on and turn off influence gained in port from selling crates.

Option to turn on and turn off influence gained in port for building ships.

Option to turn on and turn off influence gained from battle in specific ports.

Marketed influence

Rum to influence ratio - Every 50 crates sold = 1 point of influence (In a pirate port, the ratio is 60 crates sold for 2 points of influence.) [+1 point of influence for being part of the Pirate Flag for every 60 crates sold depending on the port owner (s).]

Tobacco to influence ratio - Every 80 crates sold = 1 point of influence. (+1 point if your nationality is the same of the port’s reigning nation.) [+1 point of influence for every 5 bankers under the same nationality flag of the port’s reigning nation.]

Food to influence ratio - Every 65 crates sold = 1 point of influence. (+2 points if the port’s reigning nation is the same flag as your own.)

Influence is distributed at the site of crates being sold.

Ship influence

For every ship build, add 10% of the base price of the ship as influence. Ex: Ship of the Line Base price at level 1 is:
Materials Cost: 287,200
Gold Coins cost: 742,500
Total Cost: 1,029,700
So the influence gained would be 102,970. Shipwright Management increases this by .2% per level.

This influence goes into the port the ships are built at.

Battle influence

Every time you plunder the EotC (s) of your nation, you steal influence by 1% from the EotC in the port you plunder in if that port belongs under your nation flag. Whenever you skirmish the Eotc (s) of your nation, you steal influence by .5% from that player’s influence in the port that the battle takes place in ONLY if that port belongs under your nation flag.

Every time you hit a nation at war with your nation's flag, your influence increases by .5% in all ports under your current nation’s control. Whenever you skirmish the warring nation flag, your influence in all ports under the control of your nation increase by .25%. The losing defender/attacker loses the same percentage of their influence in their ports.

+ .125% influence (provided by game. Points distributed to all ports under your nation flag. If no ports are owned by your nation, then distribute the .125% across all ports. ) when defending successfully from an enemy attack that is an EotC or is a player in a nation that is warring with your current nation.

Material sales influence

Tools to influence ratio - Every 70 crates sold = 1 point of influence.

Iron to influence ratio - Every 85 crates sold = 1 point of influence.

Cotton to influence ratio - every 110 crates sold = 1 point of influence

Wood to influence ration - every 95 crates sold = 1 point of influence

EDIT: Updated for Dez :D

Updated Title to Reflect Approved Portion. - Dez
Last edited by PFH on Mon Jan 22, 2018 5:20 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Influence Ideas

Postby William one eye » Wed Jan 10, 2018 1:21 pm

Not a bad idea. It certainly adds a bit of realisim to the
Influence system. I definitely see were you may end up adding influence to ports you did not want to add influence in. So i suggest a player operated toggles to
turn each of these features on or off, by port

This could help a lot of new players with crew hiring and I am also in support of anything that ties functions to ships.
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Re: Influence Ideas

Postby PFH » Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:07 pm

I was just thinking about the ships being tied to influence based on a few things:

First was given by CDV's abnormal ship count. Someone with that many ships would be known in the real world.

Second is if you have this much cash to have all these ships in the first place, you will be known naturally.

The third is the workers building the ships get paid from building the ship, meaning your ship building orders influence the worker's pay.

Fourth is if enemies are invading the court, by taking them down, you should be more influentially known for protecting the throne from the wrong hands.

Fifth is that the one who controls the stock controls the production. If a population receives food from a merchant, they will want to know who this merchant is. That way, they get the food as soon as it arrives. This plays an important role in becoming influential.

Sixth is pirates love their rum. Sell to them, and they will consider you a comrade and therefore, will make you more influential.

Seventh is bankers are imagined as the suit, tie, and Cuban cigar. Supply their cigars, and you have a friend in the business, which builds your influence.

Eighth is if you fight for your country, you get recognized for it for your bravery and courage. The more you fight for the country, the more influential and respected you become.
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Re: Influence Ideas

Postby Sir Thalius Hayle » Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:18 pm

I like the idea, greatly. The idea of tying influence boosts to trade activities at a port, especially a port one's nation controls, is a great idea.

My only thought at this point is that I could see gaining influence through war activities and even EoC hits being abused, unfortunately. Something would have to be put in place to ensure that two nations don't go to war to mutually boost influence at their respective ports, or an EoC is not named intentionally to aid his nation members' influence at a port.

In the real world this would never happen because, you know, EoCs were executed, people actually died in war, ships were really sunk, and crew and captains lost. That does not happen in the game, so some controls would have to be figured out to prevent abuse. That, or some other benefit would have to be derived for war and EoC activities.
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Re: Influence Ideas

Postby PFH » Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:21 pm

Sir Thalius Hayle wrote:I like the idea, greatly. The idea of tying influence boosts to trade activities at a port, especially a port one's nation controls, is a great idea.

My only thought at this point is that I could see gaining influence through war activities and even EoC hits being abused, unfortunately. Something would have to be put in place to ensure that two nations don't go to war to mutually boost influence at their respective ports, or an EoC is not named intentionally to aid his nation members' influence at a port.

In the real world this would never happen because, you know, EoCs were executed, people actually died in war, ships were really sunk, and crew and captains lost. That does not happen in the game, so some controls would have to be figured out to prevent abuse. That, or some other benefit would have to be derived for war and EoC activities.

Maybe national bounties issued by the court (or the Rightful King) would be required to make an EotC? Has no time limit, but expires when the EotC leaves the nation or when the contract has been completed. That would be another function though... Your thoughts on this?

The contract could only be completed by members of the nation as the only difference to a normal bounty. The highest amount for a bounty could be 20% of a treasury. Just a rough thought.
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Re: Influence Ideas

Postby Sir Thalius Hayle » Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:26 pm

I am waiting to see what the devs intend to do with honor points. Hitting EoCs is supposed to render honor points, and same could be earned by hits on enemies at war. What are honor points going to be good for? That is the question. Allowing a nation to place a bounty on an EoC as well would be a nice incentive beyond the honor points earned.
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Re: Influence Ideas

Postby PFH » Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:35 pm

They are used as a way to cancel out hostility only at this point.

If we added National Bounties, then honor points could be awarded, as well as gold, for completing or doing a contract, which will add more variety to the EotC function. :arr ^^
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Re: Influence Ideas

Postby Sir Thalius Hayle » Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:42 pm

I think they had other plans for them as well, but we will see.

Still, a big +1 to the trade side of the idea, and to the other if safeguards against abuse could be figured out.
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Re: Influence Ideas

Postby PFH » Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:46 pm

I think adding the nation bounties will act as the limiter to even profit for all parties. It is where the treasury is dropped to prevent much from being stolen, it is to encourage destroying the player, and influence replaces that gold lost out of the treasury if the bounty is set up to make the casting and attack worth the bounty.
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Re: Influence Ideas

Postby Kangaroo » Thu Jan 11, 2018 11:43 am

I like the Enemies of the Crown feature as admin have implimented it, it does not require redress.
I am eagerly anticipating Letters of Marque so that the rightful king of a nation has significantly sharpened teeth.

As to the remainder of the proposal I am a cautious supporter, in the real world activity generates influence and the thrust of the OP's idea represents that quite well.
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