Role-Play- The Reconstruction of Regis

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Re: Role-Play- The Reconstruction of Regis

Postby Meliva » Fri Dec 29, 2017 6:44 pm

Ellen giggles softly to herself seeing Grim push jack. Oh dear heavens it feels strange to giggle. I almost forgot what it was like its been so long. I will need to remember to invite that grim fellow back. I think he would get along great with the little ones. Ellen quickly bolts up. She completely forgot about the children. Better check on the governor's kids she thinks as she walks up the stairs. Hope his son doesn't find out Jack was here. that would be bad. She hears a gunshot back towards the dining hall. and her face quickly pales.
"Oh god that can not be good."
She quickly rushes towards the sound and see's the governor's 10 year old son being carried away by 2 guards while screaming bloody murder at Jack. Jack was shot in the foot. One of the guards quickly comes forward. Sister Ellen, while one of us was escorting young Edward to the kitchen for his meal he spotted jack and quickly snatched the guards gun and fired at him. The recoil caused him to miss and only hit Jacks foot. Ellen curses softly. I forgot to warn the guards Jack was here and to keep the orphans in their rooms.
She turns to Jack. I would offer to bandage you up, but I think if the rest of the kids hear your here, many might try to get at you. You should probably go back to your mansion.
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Re: Role-Play- The Reconstruction of Regis

Postby Jack Teach » Fri Dec 29, 2017 7:14 pm

Jack looks at his foot, then back at Ellen. Will do, I'm sorry for them. Jack turns to the government house to get his foot fixed.
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Re: Role-Play- The Reconstruction of Regis

Postby Meliva » Fri Dec 29, 2017 7:42 pm

Ellen visits Edward, currently sitting on his bed next to his younger sister Ellie, who is holding the third child, another daughter named Ellenor. Edward is looking out the window towards the governor mansion, a fixed stare of pure hatred. It was strange seeing that look in a childs eyes, though she has seen it before. She tells the guard in the corner to leave them. She sits next to Edward. Who quickly speaks up.
"No matter what you say Mother Ellen, so long as I draw breath I will never stop trying to kill that man, and all his men."
Ellen sighs.
"You are right. Nothing I say, or do will ever convince you to move on. But do you think your father and mother would want you throwing your life away on revenge. It wont bring them back. I recommend you move on, find a nice wife, make a family and be happy.
Edward continues staring towards the mansion. I can do all that after Jack is dead. Otherwise what's to stop him from killing them too. Plenty of the other children who lost their family feel the same. None of us will forgive or forget while that man lives in OUR town. Sooner or later we will sneak past your guards, with weapons and kill Jack or die trying.
Ellen stands up. She has made a decision. She has the guard come back in to watch the children. She then makes her way out the orphanage, through the streets straight towards the governors mansion. She enters without knocking, and quickly finds Jack getting his foot bandaged. She sits down and says she needs to speak to Jack. She closes her eyes and takes calming breath, then looks at jack with cold, sad looking eyes. Almost lifeless and empty like a dolls. The surgeon shivers slightly at the eerie sight, those eyes are not human, he thinks as he quickly finishes the bandaging and excuses himself.
Ellen says in a soft, sad hollow sounding voice "Jack, one of 2 things is going to need to happen, neither of which are good. Either you, and all your fellow pirates need to leave this port, hand it back to the English or some other nation, return to the seas, and never return, or all the orphans who lost family in the battle need to move to a new orphanage. The children will not rest until you and your fellows are dead or gone. The hatred in their eyes is a kind that will not die out over time so long as they are within striking range of their enemies. I have seen those eyes before. And I can not allow these children to harbor such hatred, that they will eventually throw their lives away in the name of revenge. I would sooner fight you and every pirate, soldier, and marine in this world before seeing my little ones suffer in such a way. But I will leave the decision to you. If you truly wish to keep the port, to spite the king, I will have brian open up a new orphanage in another port. The children will be forced into their new home, and I hope, with time in a new environment, with a caring staff they may find happiness. Or you and all the pirates leave, and the children remain in their homeport, where hopefully they find happiness. One of these things must happen. The children can NOT move on so long as they are in the same vicinity of you and your men. Ellen gets up slowly. And continues to look at Jack with her cold expressionless eyes. I will meet with you tomorrow while you think this over. But as I said. One of these things must happen. Ellen leaves back to her home.
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Re: Role-Play- The Reconstruction of Regis

Postby Jack Teach » Fri Dec 29, 2017 8:13 pm

jack turns to look. I won this port, I'm not giving it up! But I wonder, I ordered my men to only fight those who were actually dangerous, so I wonder Jack leans forward. who's parents did my men kill? And how? Because there must have been some who must have disobeyed the order? If it there any, I will have them dealt with. However, I'm not leaving this fort, I'm sorry for these people, but that's what happened. And, how the bloody hell is it possible they are THAT vengeful? I mean, it makes sense that they are in fact vengeful, but all of them that vengeful? Most children neither have the strength to kill, mental or physically. I'm sensing something really sinister going on here...Not from the children, but from something else...
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Re: Role-Play- The Reconstruction of Regis

Postby Meliva » Fri Dec 29, 2017 8:38 pm

Ellen turns to look at Jack. and with a sad motherly voice she says "It is mainly Edward, but Hate is a VERY powerful force-much like Love. Edwards father the governor died due to injuries you inflicted on him. Whether or not you intended it to kill him matters not to him, he wants revenge. Add the fact he discovered his mother's hanged corpse due to her not knowing your men had no intention to kill or rape her greatly added to his hate. The other children, they lost family too, not all by your men directly- during the panic many were trampled, some citizens killed each other, the fires spread, various things happened during the battle. Not to mention many of the guards had family too. And I think we both remember what happened to those who tried to hide in the fort. So many of the other children harbor resentment towards your crew, not enough to do anything. On their own that is. But as I said- Hate is powerful, with Edward constantly fanning that hate with his own, it is beginning to create an inferno. And if nothing is done that inferno will engulf this port, and end many more lives and spread more hate. Ellen looks at her rosary. I do agree however that it seems something more sinister is going on. I plan to visit the local Anglican priest for help in looking into the matter. Do me a favor and see if you can get the local Catholic priest to help. Ellen quickly turns around points her finger at jack and wags it and in a very stern motherly voice, says to Jack And if he or you have a problem working with an Anglican, let me give a friendly reminder he worships the same god you 2 do, and to put any childish notions of who is right or wrong away so that this issue can be dealt with quick and proper. Ellen then quickly leaves clutching her rosary the entire way home.
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Re: Role-Play- The Reconstruction of Regis

Postby Jack Teach » Fri Dec 29, 2017 9:14 pm

Jack looks back. got it. Jack goes looking for the local Catholic Priest.
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Re: Role-Play- The Reconstruction of Regis

Postby Meliva » Fri Dec 29, 2017 9:30 pm

Ellen stops by the Anglican priests house. She informs him of the situation and asks his help in the matter. He nods and tells her he will arrive first thing in the morning. Ellen nods and goes home. Upon seeing Panselo instead of feeling the usual mix of joy, pride and comfort she gets when returning, she feels a very deep sense of dread and trepidation. She hears her instincts screaming at her to turn around and run away. Oh this is just lovely. Ellen says as she makes her way to the front door. The door handle feels colder then usual. She opens it and walks in. the air is frigid, as if it was the middle of winter- despite it being early summer. She spots a note-she quickly reads it.
"Dear Sister Ellen, things have taken a rather dark turn here. all the kids gathered together, and begin murmuring. Me and the guards tried talking to them to no avail. We began feeling very sick, and we were suddenly stricken by an intense fear. So, we have decided to hide out in our church and pray. Please join us soon. -Your Beloved Brother Brian.
Ellen feels a very sudden sense of dread and deep sickness in her gut. And feels as if she is being watched very intently by a very angry set of eyes. Oh sweet lord, this is going to be a really bad night. I swear if this demon doesn't kill Jack i just might.Ellen quickly finds herself locked in the parlor. The doors wont budge, and the glass wont break. She tries to pray but her voice is gone, she can't even hum a hymn. Oh this is just great. she thinks, as she sits in the corner clutching her rosary.
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Re: Role-Play- The Reconstruction of Regis

Postby Jack Teach » Fri Dec 29, 2017 9:50 pm

Jack comes round with the priest to the orphanage. The priest is an old sun-baked man with a long black cassock. He raps on the door. Hello? Hello?
Something must be wrong, Jack, open the door. Jack looks at the priest. Aye, father. Jack shoots of the door handle and Jack burst in.
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Re: Role-Play- The Reconstruction of Regis

Postby Meliva » Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:06 pm

The Anglican priest, a very young and inexperienced priest. had arrived seconds after the 2 went in. He rushes in after them with his bible and cross. afraid to go in alone due to his inexperience Upon entering the door slams back shut, and the windows darken. the temperature goes from Frigid to near absolute zero. The Anglican shivers uncontrollable, and a sudden wave of nausea hits them all. The Anglican barely holds his food down. various objects begin raising up and begin getting thrown violently at Jack several knives being among them. The Anglican looks to the catholic. I don't think it was very wise to bring the man the demon wants dead to the demon. But if you have an idea or plan I am all ears, you clearly have been a priest longer then I.
Meanwhile on the third floor, Ellen had made her way to Edwards room. The demon seems preoccupied with something else so she managed to get close to it. She quickly and quietly walks towards Edward, she takes her rosary, kisses it, utters a brief mental prayer and places it upon his neck. The Boy howls in rage and pain, turning towards Ellen with fire in his eyes. Ellen quickly thinks to herself, this might not end well. The demon grabs her by the neck and throws her through the wall. The demon slowly approaches. Ellen quickly balls her fist and says to herself to apologize to edward for this later, and she decks the demon as hard as she can across the face, only to feel like she just punched a steel cannonball and breaking her hand. She looks to the demon as it grabs her by the neck again. Yup this definitely wont end well. She thinks right before she is slammed downward with such force she goes through the 3rd, and 2nd floor and lands on the nearby dining table near the group. The demon tries to remove the rosary but is unable to do so and roars in pain again. Ellen looks to her friends from the broken table and mutters softly in pain Oh joy, reinforcements. She coughs up blood. This is a pretty bad situation so your help would be appreciated. she murmurs before passing out.
Last edited by Meliva on Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Role-Play- The Reconstruction of Regis

Postby Jack Teach » Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:33 pm

The Catholic priest removes a stole and puts it around his neck. He first orders Jack to step away from the room. He begins to pray in Latin and to throw Holy Water around the room. The demon begins to yell and curse at the priest as soon as the droplets touch him. The priest is completely calm as he continues to throw holy water and chant. The priest walks over to the boy and presses a crucifix against his temple, the demon yells and screams and yells oaths that make even Jack cringe a little. finally the screaming stops. The priest steps back. The devil likes to make people think he's not there. Let's see if he can say anything or read it. Also, general word of advice for all those present: Only priests can do this, no one else. So, Jack, don't try exorcising anything. He opens a prayerbook and points it in front of the boys face, seeing if he can read it.
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