Role Play - The Hair of the Dog Pub - Seaglory

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Re: Role Play - The Hair of the Dog Pub - Seaglory

Postby Meliva » Wed Dec 27, 2017 12:56 am

After a while, the men finish searching the CL and the Invincible, they tell Ellen that the Regis blockade will not allow any ship-Merchant or otherwise into the port until the men are apprehended. Ellen thanks the man, and as the CL sails away from the patrol she tells Brian to bring William to her to discuss what to do, She signals to the Invincible that she would like Jack to board so that he may take part in the discussion. She orders the cook to prepare the nights rations and some rum while she waits in the navigation room for the other 2 captains.
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Re: Role Play - The Hair of the Dog Pub - Seaglory

Postby Jack Teach » Wed Dec 27, 2017 1:09 am

Jack comes aboard. He is wearing his usual pirate clothes including a faded blue captains tricorne. What's the story here, Ellen.
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Re: Role Play - The Hair of the Dog Pub - Seaglory

Postby William one eye » Wed Dec 27, 2017 1:14 am

We could try for Pania, and travel by horse to Regis, but their is a chance entrance to the strait may be blockaded also, We could head to Neapolis and hope the harbor is open, or we could try to break through the blockade.
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Re: Role Play - The Hair of the Dog Pub - Seaglory

Postby Jack Teach » Wed Dec 27, 2017 1:19 am

Jack paces around. it depends on what kinds of ships and how many, we can only break through if they have a certain fleet guarding it. Unless...
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Re: Role Play - The Hair of the Dog Pub - Seaglory

Postby Meliva » Wed Dec 27, 2017 1:37 am

Ellen thinks while sipping her rum "Neapolis is out of the questions. I gave that patrol false info that was where Jack was headed-So if they spot us there it would most likely raise suspicion. As for breaking the blockade, all we know is that a blockade exists and its supposedly a large one-we have no info of what ships, or how many there are. And to try to break through without that knowledge and only 2 ships, one of which a cutter would be suicidal."
Brian comes in to deliver some food and rum to the other captains. Ellen thanks him and goes to look at her charts.
I can only think of 2 options at the moment. We could go to Goroum, get some horses and ride there but such a detour would take an extra day, maybe 2 if we are unlucky and we might not make it in time, but perhaps we could trick our way in. I have done some work as a bounty hunter, And I have a few friends in high places in Regis. I could show up with one or both of you as prisoners for a bounty and that I am delivering you to the governor of Regis- The Invincible can stay nearby and be prepared to attack while those of us going in make a plan to attack from the port. Then when the time comes the blockade gets hit from both sides. I leave the choice up to you two. Its your necks on the line after all."
Ellen goes back to drinking her rum and looking at the map while waiting for their answers.
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Re: Role Play - The Hair of the Dog Pub - Seaglory

Postby Jack Teach » Wed Dec 27, 2017 1:44 am

Jack takes a sip of rum. I think the bounty thing is a great idea. But what of me men? What will we do for them? I need more details. Which one of us should be the "captured" man? Or should it be both? Jack drinks more rum.
What exactly will you say to them. How are you going to craft a story about how you in a cutter caught me, in a ship of the line with 100 guns? I think it's an amazing idea, just more planning is needed. Savvy?
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Re: Role Play - The Hair of the Dog Pub - Seaglory

Postby William one eye » Wed Dec 27, 2017 1:56 am

We could capture that patrol that just left. Try to make it past the blocade under their own flag. The crews can take these ships on to gourom
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Re: Role Play - The Hair of the Dog Pub - Seaglory

Postby Meliva » Wed Dec 27, 2017 2:05 am

Allright this thread has evolved quite far past seaglory so its being continued in the blockade of Regis. Head over there to continue the story.
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Re: Role Play - The Hair of the Dog Pub - Seaglory

Postby William one eye » Wed Dec 27, 2017 2:16 am

If you are still hanging about in the pub and want to keep that going feel free to continue on
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Re: Role Play - The Hair of the Dog Pub - Seaglory

Postby Grimrock Litless » Wed Dec 27, 2017 10:59 am

I just want someone to love me.
"Got ya."
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