Feniks wrote:Of Course..... when it involves Merc, the messages are forged, when it involves everyone else they are legit.
"Of course, I can't say one way or the other"
Message histories are always suspicious and unreliable. Take this as an example - PS, this IS forged, just to show how easy it is. Posting a "real" PM in the forum is actually a rules violation, so I have to state clearly that this is NOT a real conversation, but an example of how easily it can be forged:
(Refresh) Message History with
Feniks (#65591) (Block User)
King of United Kingdom
Bah. Coward. I guess I’ll hire someone else, then.
2017-11-13 17:07:38 (Chat reply)
I’m sorry, but we have no quarrel with Spain at the moment. I suggest you leave them alone so they can recover after the Civil War.
2017-11-13 16:58:19 (Chat reply)
Hey there! Want to help us in VUDU destroy Spain?
2017-11-13 16:34:57 (Chat reply)