DezNutz wrote:Danik wrote:
I must also then assume that the use of 'Generosity' cards somewhat contradicts the rule as stated and look forward to some clarification of how mutual aid can be given to a mate before it becomes a contravention.
Generosity is part of the game, its use cannot violate the rules of the game.
One way of viewing this is that helping a friend does help my account. Having strong allies does help my account. So, if I generosity a player who might lose ships, I am keeping my ally strong, which ultimately helps my account.
I see that it is a little bit of backwards logic, but it does make it so some "non-beneficial" actions that ARE legal are not breaking the milking rule. Likewise, I would argue that giving things to a new player helps me by building a stronger ally (whether it be a national, guild, or other ally). So I think that giving things to new players would BE legal, as it is helping me and playing my account to its full extent. "Retirement gifts" are NOT legal, as I would no longer have allies in the game, as my account is becoming inactive and not helping my account any more.