The Pirate and His Mistress(es) (Medium)

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The Pirate and His Mistress(es) (Medium)

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Wed May 22, 2013 2:28 pm

(As I explain this, I do realize both genders play this game, but for simplicity of explaining my ideas, I will reference the ideas from the male perspective to keep it simple and clear as possible.SHM)

Everyone knows it is important to keep one's wife in PG happy. If you do, they give you a voodoo card. The happier she is, the more frequently she is generous. If you have a mistress, they make you more famous, which is good. You can spend many turns to do this. What if a mistress could provide you with "an opportunity" to profit?

Mistresses in this game would be privy to much information, scuttlebutt and rumors from all over Avonmora. Perhaps of a merchant in Akrotiri who is selling products for half price, or one in Aiora who is buying at double the price. It is a limited opportunity, say only 10,000 units, or for one day. Perhaps she has heard of an abandoned warehouse loaded with goods that if one had the resources, could take and sell in another port.

Perhaps she has heard rumors of an abandoned ship that is just setting in some port, on an derelict dock. A story told her by her aunt about buried gold in Pania.

....or, even more useful, one's mistress could have reports of another player's trade route - a single route - which would provide one opportunity for plunder. Perhaps she even might know something about other player's trade routes. She would reveal the trade route of one trade fleet from a random player. Once revealed by his mistress, the player would have until the end of the day to attempt to plunder that one trade fleet. He could move his battle fleet to the port, hit a "raid" button, and it would add 3 DR points to the trade fleet - if it was there. It may have been a false rumor, and she may have just told you something to make you happy!

This would add a feature to why one would wish to have a mistress, besides for simply fame. At best, each rumor could have a 50% chance of being true, if her happiness is 100%, and she's walking on clouds. The opportunity would only good for 24 hours, or until the end of the day turn.

I am sure there are other ideas that a "gossip gatherer" could provide; providing both NPC and PvP opportunities. With 20 mistresses throughout Avonmora, there would be several opportunities for players to "engage" each other simply based upon what the information one's mistresses provide.
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Re: The Pirate and His Mistress(es)

Postby Captain Blue » Wed May 22, 2013 4:33 pm

I agree with this idea! i spend most of my turns so 25-40 on keeping my wives happy all 21 of them xD So far there really isn't any benefit of doing this not even the amount of fame you get for doing so. Now with this feature I can benefit from being a player (no pun intended) to get all sorts of information whether its useful for me or for other people.
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Re: The Pirate and His Mistress(es)

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Thu May 23, 2013 4:23 am

I hadn't thought of that - sell said information to another player, for gold or favor - nice idea. What makes it interesting is that her info would only be correct 25% to 50% of the time at best, so it would definitely make the situations interesting!
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Re: The Pirate and His Mistress(es)

Postby Dr Vegapunk » Thu May 23, 2013 7:07 am

You sir,should applied a job as Pirates Glory reporter.Admin should implement the news thingy already,It's been mention in forum suggestion many months ago.I think you'll be doing a great job covering big events that happen in Avonmora like wars and such.
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Re: The Pirate and His Mistress(es)

Postby Captain Jack » Sat May 25, 2013 1:51 pm

Wonderful idea.

We could add an option to the player, whether he wants a mistress to help his fame or act in the way you describe.
Keep ideas flowing on this one, it is a great idea that will be prioritized greatly.
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Re: The Pirate and His Mistress(es)

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Mon May 27, 2013 5:19 am

I like the option of fame vs fortune. Perhaps the frequency of the gossip could be set like the voodoo cards - depending upon how happy the mistress is, and how attractive, would determine the frequency from which she obtains information.

It could be that information can only be obtained from a mistress if she is walking on clouds and 100% happy. Once a player has his mistress walking on clouds, and 100% happy, message would arrive, stating something to the fact that due to being the center of her world, your mistress would like to give your fame or fortune - which would you like?

The player then chooses one or the other. If he choses fame, fame is given daily as usual. If he choses fortune, the timer is activated and the player will receive a piece of information that will lead to fortune.

This way, a mistress would only furnish fame if she is not 100% happy and walking on clouds.

As with all rumors, some would be true, others almost, or not at all. Once again, the reliability of the information could be tied to how attractive the mistress may be. Due to the efforts of making her happy and get her to where she is walking on clouds, these probably should be some pretty incredible opportunities, much like the ones I'v mentioned before.
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Re: The Pirate and His Mistress(es)

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Wed May 29, 2013 6:12 am

Here's some ideas for what one might learn from one's mistress - some can be derived from the same rewards as the voodoo cards:

1.) A derelict ship. With over 5,000 waiting for Trade Winds, a portion could come through this opportunity.
2.) A treasure fleet. One of those rare, NPC fleets loaded with 50 to 100K gold, which like an NPC, is only in the port she indicates for one hour.
3.) An abandoned warehouse in her port. All that needs done is transfer it your warehouse, or order fleets to pick it up and move it to another port to sell.
4.) An unemployed officer looking for employment. He' join, or will demand only 10% of your current officer cost.
5.) A merchant in a distant port is offering goods for half price to settle a debt with the Governor - all one needs to do is buy them, either for a warehouse in that port, or by ordering trade ships there to purchase from him.
6.) A merchant in a distant port is offering to buy goods at double the price to fulfill a cotract (and save his head). All one needs to do is sell what he has from his warehouse until the contract is filled, or order trade ships to buy the needed product and sell it to him.

These are all NPC - they could also be converted to PvP scenarios. I would also add these:

1.) Steal an officer from a random player.
2. ) Steal the goods (for 12 -24 hours) from a random player's warehouse.
3.) The mistress reveals a single trade route of one random player - the fleet will gain 3 DR, thus only be available until the end of the hour for a strike. (Normal plunder rules apply)
4.) The mistress can reveal a random player's docked ship, available for commandeer.
5.) The mistress can reveal a clue as to where to locate a random player's treasure.

The information could be sold, bought, used, etc. For this to be effective, the more different opportunities the mistress can provide, the more useful and viable the fortune aspect of the mistress will be. They can be added to as PG continues to grow and develop.

Special events can be asked for by a mistress - such as locate and defeat Davy Jones, and bring her his heart, and receive a Master craftsmanship voodoo card. (pretty lame reward for such work, but you get the idea.)

This would work well as a monthly, special or seasonal promotion, (Christmas, New Years, Captain Kidd's birthday, etc..) with a special reward, such as 400 turns, or voodoo cards, etc.

These be only ideas, mates, to throw out, rehash and add to.... the more the merrier.
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Re: The Pirate and His Mistress(es)

Postby Captain Jack » Thu May 30, 2013 8:00 pm

Great ideas! We will get down to work.
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Re: The Pirate and His Mistress(es)

Postby Black sparrow » Thu Apr 16, 2015 10:10 pm

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Re: The Pirate and His Mistress(es)

Postby Sir Colchian Niveus » Fri Apr 17, 2015 1:02 am

Maybe.. If you choose to get info instead of fame there could be some harm info like she cheated on you and reviled a secret and maybe some harm effects like give you danger or take some money or steal some fame or influence.. Cause if this feature get worked most players will try to get as many mistress as they can.. So there should be a risk also.. Maybe like 60 harm 40 benefit..
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