Individual Fleet Treasuries

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Re: Individual Fleet Treasuries

Postby Charles Vane » Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:06 am

Sir Henry Morgan wrote:There may be a way a Generosity might work - whenever on one's guildmates' fleets drops below 20% of the ship treasury's capacity, instead of showing their treasury, it highlights their treasury in the guild. A generosity is then cast which fills all the target's fleet treasuries that are below 20% up to 500K. If two fleets are below 20%, 250K goes into each. If 500K is too much, the rest would go into their treasury.

Something along those lines, perhaps.

As for loading voodoo into a ship or fleet slot, Hidden Treasure would also confound an attacker.

So equally splitting the generosity card between any fleets below 20%? I like it, but would / could be useless should a player have several fleets low on coin. It would be their fault for sure but still renders the cast pointless. Perhaps using this split concept along with shadowoods fleet designation.

A player can select up to a pre-set number of fleets 5? 10? Anytime one of these fleets drops below 20% the owner is highlighted in some fashion for his guild. A geno cast would then be split among these chosen fleets for all below the 20% line.
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Re: Individual Fleet Treasuries

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:14 am

Easier yet - a player could select which fleets they wish monitored. A simple toggle in Fleet screen to say yea or nay. Alerts would ignore the nays.
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Re: Individual Fleet Treasuries

Postby Shadowood » Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:22 am

Sir Henry Morgan wrote:Easier yet - a player could select which fleets they wish monitored. A simple toggle in Fleet screen to say yea or nay. Alerts would ignore the nays.


Max 5 fleets
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Re: Individual Fleet Treasuries

Postby Charles Vane » Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:30 am

Shadowood wrote:
Sir Henry Morgan wrote:Easier yet - a player could select which fleets they wish monitored. A simple toggle in Fleet screen to say yea or nay. Alerts would ignore the nays.


Max 5 fleets

Something like this?

Generosity Card - Players would select up to "5" fleets they want monitored. If any of these fleets treasuries fall to or below 20% an indication is offered to the players guild. A generosity card cast would be divided among any fleet at the threshold up to 500k. ie: 2 of the 5 fleets at 20%, geno would be divided by 2 = 250k added to each fleet, if all 5 were low, 100k added to each fleet.
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Re: Individual Fleet Treasuries

Postby Shadowood » Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:43 am

I don't fear death. I look forward to it with great anticipation. For then I will met God face to face and let him know that I stole his Man of War!!!
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Re: Individual Fleet Treasuries

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:57 am

Aye! Any extra could go to their regular treasury. This way, players can continue to use the card in varied ways as they do now.
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Re: Individual Fleet Treasuries

Postby Charles Vane » Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:47 am

Added changes to first post, including examples of plunders and a quick sketch of the treasury management page concept.
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Re: Individual Fleet Treasuries

Postby Shadowood » Mon Nov 06, 2017 5:39 am

I would like to suggest that Booty Master work for Fleet or Individual purse. Attacker would be able to choose on Card Screen the Player ID or Fleet ID.
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Re: Individual Fleet Treasuries

Postby Haron » Mon Nov 06, 2017 7:50 am

While separating the purse may seem tempting, it is in my opinion a very bad idea. The "common purse" presents the traders with a set of dilemmas, which in my opinion is a GOOD thing. Also, stealing ships should not become even harder than it already it - it is VERY difficult to steal ships with a profit as it is.

Today, the trader faces the dilemma of either carrying a large purse and lose a lot of gold when plundered, or carry a smaller purse and risk losing ships. Also, with a fleet of Big Ships, this becomes even more of a dilemma, as the gold protection of this fleet can be attacked by plundering all his trade fleets. In short, while extremely lucrative, having a huge trade fleet also comes with some challenges. And this also makes the large traders more of a target than small traders. All GOOD things, in my book.

With this suggestion, as a trader, I would use a purse of maybe 20k on my 4LMM + 1 Howker fleet. I then lose only 3k gc when plundered, and face no dilemma at all. My 4 SoL + 1 cutter fleet has the maximum gold amount. This gold is quite safe as 1) it takes a great fleet to win against me 2) stealing ships is entirely impossible (except with MASSIVE use of booty masters), and 3) the fleet, and thus the large purse, can not easily be hit several times. Ambush is a VERY expensive card, and FFJs gives only one hit on this fleet (and thus the purse). And as a pirate, why bother to plunder at all? Skirmish gives a better profit than plundering such a player, and that doesn't even require voodoo.

I belive the "common purse", which exists today, is a vital element in presenting the traders with dilemmas, which in my opinion is crucial to make this game interesting.
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Re: Individual Fleet Treasuries

Postby Charles Vane » Mon Nov 06, 2017 1:57 pm

Completely and entirely disagree with Haron.

Traders will face many dilemmas either way and skirmishing should be a pirates staple, not ship stealing. This was discussed quite some time ago.

1) yes it would and more people would be sailing them, :y one of the points here.

2) not true at all, maybe difficult with 10% allowable purse size on large fleets like 4x sotl and cutter which is why this is up for debate, however at 5% it becomes very easy.

3) FoJ would expose many fleets not just one with a large purse, so several hits are still done, both on large purse sizes and small so profits per hit will vary but with piracy tech it's still a lucrative game, and again this will make more people sail more large ship fleets thus increasing the number of large purses out there.

Their are 3 points to this idea and all are covered minus details on percentages and numbers.

A) Stealing a fleet is still easy with a bit of preparation and work.

B) The risk of losing "all" of one's ships in a couple hours is greatly reduced. This risk is not good for anyone or the game. Either A be active 24/7 to protect good ships, or B just don't use them.

C) Promote more players to fleet naval ships and add an element of reality. No navy with 30 or 40 fleets should risk losing them all to a player with 1-4 fleets. One, two, three fleets sure but not "all" so easily. Ships amount, strength, and structure should all play into giving players an advantage. Navys win "wars and battles", pirates win skirmishes and small encounters at sea.
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