Rightful King Concept
Since we are adding extra privileges to the King, (Letter of the Marque, Enemy of the Crown and Governor Selection) we also need to improve the way a King is able to forward such actions.
We will not mess with the election progress; The player with the most influence is the King. However, there will be three possible states for any King:
1)Aspiring King
This is the king that is appointed to a nation that had no Rightful King before him.
2)Rightful King
The King assumes this right once he has managed to be on the throne 3 times, in the last 5 days.
(prerequisite priority order: ruler status first, then Rightful status)
3)Rogue King
This is the King when another King is the Rightful one.
As a start,we will be using the Rightful King state as a requirement to issue LoM (Letter of the Marque), EoC (Enemy of the Crown) and Governors appointing.