A few questions about starter packs

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Re: A few questions about starter packs

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Wed Oct 11, 2017 10:48 am

Captain Jack wrote:
Astragek wrote:the 1000 turn protection is a wonderful thing, and can last ages if you want it to.

You should not advise anyone to do this. This is a clear exploitation if you attempt to play within the protection just to avoid hits. Players found exploiting this will face the consequences. We will have a look for such players today as the first step but please do not force administration to police over such things.

Someone set up to trade starting out would naturally keep protection for a lot longer time than someone who starts out fighting. I wouldn't see it as an exploit as it is within a natural curve in the choice of playstyle. :beer
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Re: A few questions about starter packs

Postby Captain Jack » Wed Oct 11, 2017 10:59 am

So Haron, I was writing your reply for the past 30 minutes now. Then dman posts here and signals the reason why I was spending so much time to write a simple reply.

Dman, who is constantly complaining to everyone speaking english in how bad administration is treating him, posts up to this topic to defend what Astragek wrote. Like as if it is a debatable issue. Like as if he can dictate what is acceptable and what is not. I wouldn't be amazed if dman was the one to think about it.

The CRITICAL issue is that players like Astragek must not be carried away by players like dman.
Players like dman must realize that PG is not a game against the admins but against other players.

Just because the game allows something, it does not mean that it is fair to do it. For example, the game allows you to pass ships through battles to your pals. Yet everyone knows that this is not allowed.

There are multiple such examples in the game. It is our role to help veterans identify these parts and then help us by educating the newer players. Scripting solutions is a dirty method and we know this by experience. It is all up to the playerbase.

Here is a quote that works well
"If you need to ask if something is alright, then, most probably, it is not."

You should still ask though.

To be fair, PG playerbase is great about it. Dman for example, I believe that he has too many bad experiences with other game administrations and probably this is the root reason he cannot trust us at all. Eventually, I believe he will start trusting us. Of course, we are provocative enough to his deeds, just like we used to do this with Nelson. We do this for our reason and because this is how our experience has teached us. The community is small enough to allow us special treatment where possible.

We must always prepare for the next day though. The community nowadays is much larger than it used to be before and as community gets larger, the less time we will have to spend in explaining things to each one separately. The forums usage even for personal things, might be the next logical scenario, in the exact sense that this post is structured.

Trying to compare with what would I do a year ago with what Astragek wrote, it might be different. Like removing it and explaining such in personal. Demands have changed though and we need to explain these things to everyone, even if they are destined for one at the case on the table.
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Re: A few questions about starter packs

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Wed Oct 11, 2017 11:07 am

lol hardly why I wrote the response but ok if you say so. As an expert on me and thats by the courts definition of expert (10 thousand hours on a subject) I can tell you my post was to clearly say a trader will use far less turns within a month than someone who fights. If thats not true I will gladly retract my statement with an apology.
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Re: A few questions about starter packs

Postby Captain Jack » Wed Oct 11, 2017 11:22 am

Every player, especially when we speak about newcomers, as long as I remember well:
-Start with 400 turns
-Get 288 turns per day for the first 2 days (Double turns activated on them, for 2 days If I remember well)
-Get 144 turns per day afterwards

This means that somewhere around day 3, they will be out of the 1000 turns protection.
No matter if you are a fighter or a trader, you are going to need turns to play.
Instructing someone not to spend the turns, to keep within the limit, is the problem I see here.

By the way, the limit for starter packs is bigger than 1000 turns, which sounds reasonable. A normal player, who spends all gained turns, will see them disappear around 30 days of play.
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Re: A few questions about starter packs

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Wed Oct 11, 2017 11:28 am

I agree on the 30 day guess but from experience, I would counsel someone to not use all those turns. The reason being is I was new and spent them on things that were irrelevant and did not aid me at all. I am sure you could check but you will find I squandered turns on silly things like working as a porter and a couple other foolish things.
My response was for someone who chooses to sit the first two weeks alone and figuring things out like I did.
It was not a post of rebellion but a sincere act of helping a new player to be encouraged not to burn turns until they figure out the game a bit more.
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Re: A few questions about starter packs

Postby Sebena » Wed Oct 11, 2017 11:43 am

If I remember right when I was starting we had 1K turns and I managed to spend them in a day I was building ships which I didn't know how to use. I dug up tresury in ports where I didn't explore a so on. Best advice which you can give to a newcomer is to join training guild where veterans will explain things to them. Worst thing you can advice them is to save turns tonstay in protection because you are crippling their growth that way. In a position of newcomer you love free gifts but that way you are crippling yourself as you are expecting gifts all the time. Don't get me wrong newcomer can't develope and grow without gold coins then advise them to seek loan or if you own bank offer them loan not big as a newcomer with 1M and good advices you can develope to the point where you can repay that loan in a week and a half . So weather you want to be pirate, merchant or a noble you need to build basic income either way.
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Re: A few questions about starter packs

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Wed Oct 11, 2017 11:52 am

Wolfie wrote:If I remember right when I was starting we had 1K turns and I managed to spend them in a day I was building ships which I didn't know how to use. I dug up tresury in ports where I didn't explore a so on. Best advice which you can give to a newcomer is to join training guild where veterans will explain things to them. Worst thing you can advice them is to save turns tonstay in protection because you are crippling their growth that way. In a position of newcomer you love free gifts but that way you are crippling yourself as you are expecting gifts all the time. Don't get me wrong newcomer can't develope and grow without gold coins then advise them to seek loan or if you own bank offer them loan not big as a newcomer with 1M and good advices you can develope to the point where you can repay that loan in a week and a half . So weather you want to be pirate, merchant or a noble you need to build basic income either way.

I agree a guild is the best bet but even your statement shows the need for caution with turns as yours was just as wasted as mine. I can not speak for every guild but HELM was the one I was in and I did learn there. But overall a basic concept of what the turns are truly worth should be explored before random usage turns them to a wasted mess of nothing. :beer
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Re: A few questions about starter packs

Postby Kangaroo » Wed Oct 11, 2017 11:54 am

I had been playing a couple of days when I boldly assumed my L3 sloop was a smoking weapon and lost protection, and the battle..
It didn't hamper my experience or enjoyment, though I can see merit in a 30 day limit to protect players who prefer a more measured approach
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Re: A few questions about starter packs

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:03 pm

Kangaroo wrote:I had been playing a couple of days when I boldly assumed my L3 sloop was a smoking weapon and lost protection, and the battle..
It didn't hamper my experience or enjoyment, though I can see merit in a 30 day limit to protect players who prefer a more measured approach

Judging from your fleets I would guess you coin which makes up for mistakes easily but to some that is not an option. You should enjoy the game either way. I was just pointing out that turns are squandered easily when they can actually be beneficial. :beer
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Re: A few questions about starter packs

Postby Sebena » Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:21 pm

Dmanwuzhere wrote:
Wolfie wrote:If I remember right when I was starting we had 1K turns and I managed to spend them in a day I was building ships which I didn't know how to use. I dug up tresury in ports where I didn't explore a so on. Best advice which you can give to a newcomer is to join training guild where veterans will explain things to them. Worst thing you can advice them is to save turns tonstay in protection because you are crippling their growth that way. In a position of newcomer you love free gifts but that way you are crippling yourself as you are expecting gifts all the time. Don't get me wrong newcomer can't develope and grow without gold coins then advise them to seek loan or if you own bank offer them loan not big as a newcomer with 1M and good advices you can develope to the point where you can repay that loan in a week and a half . So weather you want to be pirate, merchant or a noble you need to build basic income either way.

I agree a guild is the best bet but even your statement shows the need for caution with turns as yours was just as wasted as mine. I can not speak for every guild but HELM was the one I was in and I did learn there. But overall a basic concept of what the turns are truly worth should be explored before random usage turns them to a wasted mess of nothing. :beer

Actually that is awesome way of using turns I learned a lot from wasting those turns I learned a lot of things and that is amazing feeling of starting new adventure. We learn best from our mistakes and I wouldn't change that for nothing because it meade me player which I am today
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