National Diplomacy Manual

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National Diplomacy Manual

Postby Captain Jack » Wed Oct 04, 2017 7:30 pm


Nation Officials can now create treaties between nations. These treaties will primarily help your fellow countrymen easily understand where your nation lies in the Avonmoran diplomacy.

Besides this, you will be able to create laws and pacts that will be dependent on them.

† Available Treaties †
  • Neutrality Pact
  • This is the current status for all countries. The so called No Relationships status. This is the default status that you will enter with a country, once you cancel an existing treaty (any).

  • Peace Treaty
  • This is the most basic treaty. Peace Treaties will be required by most pacts. Whenever a Peace Treaty (or any treaty) expires, all pacts tied to it will expire as well.

  • Alliance
  • A better way to signal your affiliation with another country. Signing an alliance with a nation in a Peace Treaty, retains all Peace Treaty pacts.

  • WAR
  • This treaty is useful for the enemy countries that you wish to crush.

  • CeaseFire
  • The only way to stop a war.
    Cease Fires that live through 4 daily updates, automatically revert to no relationship treaties.
    The update for this, runs at 12:10pm (at noon - game time).
    Future Version:Ceasefires will include a tribute fee to be paid by one of the nations.

Special Rules
-When offering Neutral stance or Cease Fire, if the offered country has no votes registered, this will count as an approval.
This means that countries without any human players, will always accept Cease Fire and No Relationship treaties.

Explaining Treaties System
-Every country can have 1 valid treaty with each country.
-Every country may have 1 Diplomacy voting up with each country.
-Peace Treaty, Cease Fire and Alliance are two sided treaties; They require consent from both countries.
-War and Neutrality Pact are single-sided treaties; Once one side approves, they come into effect.
-There is no need for both countries to open a voting for a treaty that requires both. The game will automatically create the new voting for the other country once the first country approves it.

Other Details
-Active Treaties in Parliament as well as Diplomacy tab in Countries Public page, are similar and they do not include past pacts (might be added though) or active Neutrality Pacts.
-Treaties Archive contains every pact signed by every country with all details.
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Re: National Diplomacy Manual

Postby Shadowood » Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:47 pm

Here is a link for some more details. I was curious about the Trade Pacts info...

I don't fear death. I look forward to it with great anticipation. For then I will met God face to face and let him know that I stole his Man of War!!!
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Re: National Diplomacy Manual

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Oct 06, 2017 3:47 pm

This will serve as a temporal manual. Since this is a feature in progress, we will use the forums as this is better in many ways. There will be constant updates flowing in while you can ask whatever you want, helping in this way the manual creation.

Once the feature development finishes, we will copy the manual in-game.

This manual contains ONLY already scripted elements.

Add on:

The following has been scripted:
Code: Select all
Special Rules
-When offering Neutral stance or Cease Fire, if the offered country has no votes registered, this will count as an approval.
This means that countries without any human players, will always accept Cease Fire and No Relationship treaties.

Follow up:
Each open voting specifies whether it features early close or not.
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