by Sir Henry Morgan » Tue Sep 19, 2017 6:55 am
Well done, Captains - I understand the challenge of bein' a captain, and ye all have made smashingly interesting teams.
I have voted for the team for which I be selected - not strictly for loyalty. Aye, there are teams that would do well in war and battle, but as I see it, one can win the battle and lose the war....
Trixi has selected all who are wise to the ways of battle and war. The group has also thrived in Avonmora.
There be 6 to 7 bankers on her team, with four of them on the top ten. There be goldsmiths as well, but exactly how many be hard to say. Trader or pirate, these be the collection of swag beyond measure spent to gain more power and treasure.
Ye also find a collection of some of the nastiest trade fleets a pirate will engage. Trixi, DTT, Greythorn, Dozer, Lord Av, and me own fleets! They have teeth that on occasion turn pigs and frigs into flotsam and jetsam.
A majority sit upon councils and thrones of powerful and prosperous nations, and have for a long time - enough time to augment those hideouts and fleets.
Trixi's team also holds three of the most successful scallywags to raid a ship, a guild or a nation - and they too are well heeled and prosperous!
Bottom line; here be a team that may not always win the battle, but they have already won the war!