Danik wrote:Official Announcement.
Following their wise decision regarding Vanes claim to speak and act for the UK : I, Danik, hereby remove the UK from my target list.
They were only on it due to Vanes belligerent, ill-mannered and overly aggressive stance towards the entire player-base, and, I suspect, have been added to many more such lists since for the same reasons. That is, perhaps, their tragedy.
Vane, its not all about you. Your guild has been targeted : your proxy nation was targeted. And, when I choose, you will be targeted. Now, go wag yourself.
Heard that before....
You've had a grudge with me for a long time and every time you attack those around me. Never once have you come after me.. quite pathetic to be honest. The biggest mouth is always the largest coward
Everyone mark my words, if the day ever comes where I decide to retire from PG, that will be the day Danik tries to claim he beat Charles Vane