Transport Immigrants should equal influence

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Transport Immigrants should equal influence

Postby Edward_Teach » Thu May 02, 2013 1:54 am

Now I was going to bid on a Transport Immigrants card in the market, when it came to me...... shouldn't since you sent the immigrants there shouldn't you get some influence out of it on the port you sent the immigrants to? It makes since, doesn't it.

The way i think this could ,or should, be calculated is 1% of the number of immigrants that arrive to the port is how much influence you receive in that port.

Please suggest if there is something that doesn't make sense. Thank You

Edward Thatch
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Re: Transport Immigrants should equal influence

Postby MAjesty » Thu May 02, 2013 5:20 am

while your at it, if someone else casts charity donation ON you, you should get points towards missions as well.

it's rather silly that the missions are completely dependent on events which can Only be achieved with a single voodoo card....

just seems kinda like your being pressured to buy credits to me...
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Re: Transport Immigrants should equal influence

Postby Edward_Teach » Thu May 02, 2013 7:35 pm

True Zombie true, like Exterminate port population can only be done by black death, while Increase port population CAN be done by building up the port and by using transport immigrants.(i said CAN but that's the long way.)
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Re: Transport Immigrants should equal influence

Postby Adama » Sat May 04, 2013 4:07 am

If charity donation increases your influence then black death should decrease it
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Re: Transport Immigrants should equal influence

Postby Edward_Teach » Sat May 04, 2013 4:20 am

Hercules177 wrote:If charity donation increases your influence then black death should decrease it
Black Death is the opposite of Transport Immigrants, so yes it would make sense to make it so that it would do the opposite of what i am proposing T.I. should do, but If you think about it Black Death is referring to a disease while Transport Immigrants is referring to bringing more people to a port(that makes it plausible that they were sent there by you, the caster of the card)

There for your Black Death ( idea, in my opinion can't really lower the persons influence.
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