Pieces of Eight (Medium)

Here you can find all the ideas/suggestions that have already been approved by administration. These ideas will stay here in queue till they are implemented or... postponed! Feel free to browse through the ideas, add your own ideas and help us prioritize them correctly.

Re: Pieces of Eight

Postby Dejanira » Sun Jul 02, 2017 8:34 am

Mack wrote:If we should add another thing to make powerful people even more powerful, because lets face it the powerful ones would be the only people capable of even tring to hold on to somthing like this, there should only be one copy of each artifact, and there should not be tons of them for if one guy manages to get them all.... if we make something like this it has to be easy for small people to take them from big people or its just another way to make it even harder to catch up for a new guy..

Well, this could be done by adding a cap: only 2 active artifacts per player (or even just 1). If you steal an artifact and you already have your two, the stolen one simply is shattered.

Or let only people with less voodoo cards capable of using artifacts. You own less than 500 cards? 2 artifacts.
More than 500 but less than 1000? 1 artifact.
You own a chest with more than 1000 cards? Oh well, too bad :D
Stay tuned on Radio Image Bermuda!
Are you a new player? Contact me in game and I'll cast a helping voodoo. Consider this like a sort of "tutorial mission".
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Re: Pieces of Eight

Postby PFH » Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:23 am

:D :D

What if you had 2 artifacts and kept them whilst getting over 1000 'cards' (editted for wrong word)? Auto shatter?

I do not agree with the voodoo card idea, as many vet players will have almost no chance with artifacts unless they dump them, which is costly.
I believe each fleet with each type of ship listed should get that many allowed. EX: A fleet with 3 ship of the lines is allowed 2 artifacts and not 6.
Evil Teddy Bear :P
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