Choose a wife with care. The more pretty she is, the harder to woe her however, once you do, she will give you presents on a more frequent basis. The best wife is classed as exquisite in beauty and will give you a present every 24 hrs if she is kept happy and loved. There are 3 of them in Avonmora. Your wife cares not what nation you belong to or if you change nations. Just keep her walking on clouds and throw her a ruby ring every few days and she be happy
Wives are simple creatures : once you have them married to you, walking on clouds and 100% loved, they will respond with a present every 24hrs : they will lose love at about 1% per day, so, always give them a 'kiss' (1 turn) before collecting the present to bring them back up to 100% : if you see they have dropped from 'walking on clouds' to being 'high on life', which will happen over 3 days or so, boost them back up onto that happy cloud level by 'talking to them' (3 turns) or the present gap will stretch to 25 hrs : That's all you need to do to keep wifey happy and generous : just remember to do any topping up BEFORE you collect the daily present.