Captain Jack wrote:Here is a list of the near-future general objectives we currently have in the dev team, in no particular order:
- Guild-wide common objectives
I was thinking about guild perks for a while. its not 100% ready to explain but want to share some infos about it so maybe i will get some nice feedbacks.
Some ideas about it:pvp wins(attacks) will give 2 points
pvp wins(defence) will give 5 points
skirmish wins(attacks) will give 1 points
skirmish wins(defence) will give 3 points
25k resource trade will give 1 point.
1k gold bar trade will give 3 point.
100k gold investments for influence will give 1 point[/list]
Activating perks:you need to obtain 250 points and use additional gold bars or maybe a few credits to activate it.
you will lose 50% of your points daily or flat 100-150 points. It will encourage daily activity. Also these buffs will define guilds playstyle better.
Perks will effect all members of guild's.
like %10 fleet speed for x duration of time (24 or 72 hours)(CJ once said they looking for alternative options for Favorable winds. Thats why im adding this one)
%5 more trade income(both apply for buy and sell value)(will be unlocked with trade points)
%5 more plunder income(will be unlocked with plunder and skirmish points)
%5 additional influence for build up port(will be unlocked with influence investments)
Guild Raids(already have a suggestion for that)
Npc raids will organized weekly and guilds will compete with other guilds to gain firepower bonus for a week. a guild can win max 2 raid in a row. even they will win third times they wont get buffs. second guild who killed boss will gain weekly buff.
For prevent bigger guilds domination at most 10 player will participate for each guild.
each guild will have same process. and they need to kill certain npcs to reach final boss. npcs' ports will be same like nation missions. there will be a common spawn time for all guilds to follow. fastest guild which kill all npcs and boss first will obtain 5% firepower buff. For defeating npc boss faster it will also encourage bigger ships usages during raid times which may open some pvp actions too.
5% additional firepower for pvp up to 10% (will be unlocked with npc missions) Weekly 5% buff will expire.
Additional effect: Activating all perks will double amount of buffs. 10% plunder income(or others) instead of 5%.
Or we can use stack option. and will reduce daily income to 2% instead of 5% and each 100 points will add additional 2% up to 20% hard cap.
Point necessity should set based on 10 active member for guilds to prevent bigger guilds gain more power. but still it will be easy for bigger guilds to obtain these points.
Sincerely Mugiwara...