Dejanira wrote:My idea is to enhance the "meet the governor" page.
One could meet the governor and be asked something like:
transport these 10,000 crates to the port of X in the next two hours and you'll grant a 50k gold for your effort
we are in urgent need of cotton/iron/whatever, if you can manage to get it here in one hour I'll reward you with these 25k gold
deliver this letter to the governor of port Y and I'll pay you 10k for your help
trasport a full fleet of immigrants to our port and I'll order to deliver 500 crates of goods to your warehouse
etc. etc.
and the mission would be renewed once completed.
While older players would probably think these are too cheap missions, I think this may help people at the beginning in exploring the map and having some gold to build the first ships.
And this one from Skyhawk:
Hawk wrote:Recurring Missions for New Players
So I was thinking that there could be reccurring missions for players at each port. This is mainly for newer players past the tutorial, to give them something to do daily in addition to regular game activities. Many guilds are very engaging and this may be be extra to keep new players in them interested, but also I think a game should be entrancing to newbies even if they decide to solo for a bit before joining a guild.
My idea is, a player could simply go to talk to a governer of a port, and there would be an option to ask for work or a task. This could be the final mission of the tutorial for new players. After asking the governer in some manner, he will give you a random short quest from a list, and a upon completion the player gets an appropiate reward. Immediatly a cooldown would start, maybe 72 hours, before you can ask for a mission from that governor again. Given the number of ports I think that is a decent amount of time.![]()
Governer's Daughters:
This was Sir Henry Morgan's idea, and I think it would tie in nicely. Currently, governer's daughters with whom you are not married to offer nothing besides fame. The idea was that based on your relationship with them, they offer useful rumors. Some of these could be more missions, which are harder or better then the governer ones.
Starting list of mission ideas:
-A Noble / Trader / Witch doctor wants passage to a certain port
-NPC fugitive at a certain port
-Lost ship in the vicinity of a port (Uses shipwreck hunt to rescue the ship)
-Transport specialty goods to a certain port
-Deliver a message to a certain port
-Rescue a governor's daughter! ( A little more heroic then just sneaking in lol)