Deadline extension

Do you have an idea for a card ? Do you want a tweak on existing voodoo cards? Perhaps you even want one of them removed? This is where you can post your suggestion.

Re: Voodoo suggestion-Clockmaster

Postby Admiral Nelson » Thu Jun 16, 2016 7:52 pm

I do not know why the cards need to be a certain size.

You can/Website Developers can change the Image to the size they want.

Two examples of this...
750 W, 750 H

1250W, 1250 H
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Re: Deadline extension

Postby Shadowood » Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:28 pm

The Voodoo Team has Merged "Deadline Extension" and "Clockmaster" into 1 Topic. These cards are similar in nature as they add/subtract time from voodoo cards. We would like to get more players feedback on this topic as some feel that this could be a fun card in the game, if we come up with the right mechanics.

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Re: Deadline extension

Postby Captain dungeness » Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:50 am

So many interesting combinations come to mind if this voodoo can choose whether to add or subtract time to an active curse. I love the idea of this card, my only hesitation is that the cost to craft the card must be relatively low: If this card "Clockmaster" or "Timemaster" costs more than a Mindbar then it will NEVER get used. If it costs only a few cheap voodoo cards then the crafting time is the only real cost and it would get used. I imagine smaller Witch Huts would spend their crafting time churning out one of these per day while the bigger Witch Huts are busy making more powerful voodoo. This would be a lower tier of legendary voodoo.

Possible Effects:
Casting cost is 1 turn
±200% duration to common cards, ±100% duration to uncommon cards, ±40% duration to rare cards, +20% duration to Legendary cards

duration=the duration printed on the card, not the current remaining duration. Caster gets to choose if in adds or subtracts duration time.

Possible Uses:
A new way to take down someone's Mindbar. <-- this alone makes the card a powerful one
Easy way to add duration to a raid target while only using 1 turn.
Make Favorable Winds, English India Company and Advanced Piracy last for 9 days.
Make the Legendary Card Planned Raid last longer with less turn investment.

SPECIAL NOTE: This could be an ingredient in many Legendary Voodoo Recipes.

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Postby Captain dungeness » Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:04 am

There have been tons of new suggestions posted recently but we also need to finish up older suggestions. Here I have summarized the Clockmaster suggestion:

Cost to craft:
3x time spirals
1x black death
2x hands of gold
1x expensive tools
2x self sacrifice
Time to craft: 12h

Casting cost is 1 turn
±200% duration to common cards, ±100% duration to uncommon cards, ±40% duration to rare cards, +20% duration to Legendary cards

duration=the duration printed on the card, not the current remaining duration. Caster gets to choose if it adds or subtracts duration time.

Possible Uses:
A new way to take down someone's Mindbar. <-- this alone makes the card a powerful one
Easy way to add duration to a raid target while only using 1 turn.
Make Favorable Winds, English India Company and Advanced Piracy last for 9 days.
Make the Legendary Card Planned Raid last longer with less turn investment.

SPECIAL NOTE: This could be an ingredient in some Legendary Voodoo Recipes. Why you ask? Because lower tier Witch Huts will not be able to keep producing high-tier legendary voodoo so this voodoo fills a lower tier role while a player saves up for larger voodoo crafting. It also makes for more interesting voodoo crafting economics to use a low tier legendary card in a crafting high tier legendaries.

Think about all the possible uses. Would you find this card worth crafting?

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Re: Deadline extension

Postby Haron » Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:41 am

No, I would not find this card worth crafting. I see how it can be used, though. Still, I am not a fan of this suggestion. Extanding cards is basically using the same card more times. I want NEW effects. This one is equivalent to just using more of the existing cards.

As a side note, "plus/minus" 200% duration looks weird. Minus 200% duration would mean what, exactly? :-)
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Re: Deadline extension

Postby Grimrock Litless » Thu Feb 16, 2017 10:22 am

Agree with haron on this, I think that legendary should be voodoo with new effects that is greater than of normal voodoo.

I think what it means is it removes it completely from urself and a new one is reflected on the caster of the cleared voodoo.
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