Main Idea:
This will help smaller nations more than bigger ones i hope. Because most of the bigger traders using party cards which has no sale only buy options.
Additional income way to make your nation stronger.
Every resource sold by the player(include gold bars), returns %0.1 of the value to the nation that player belongs to it.(Paid by game)
This suggestion similar to %1 port sale income for port owning nations. So flat amount not changeable by nation's members.
I made a calculations. Lets assume regis vaasburg with 50 fleet 540 cargo on each fleet(4lmm 1 howker)
can carry 54000 resource in two hours.
Sale value 20+12/2= 16
54000X16= 864000 total sale value.
12 travel during a day X 864000 = 10368000
%0.1 of the 10368000= 10,368 gold for nation's treasury
for gold bars
a level 20 goldsmither can produce max 9600 gold bar per day.Lets say he sell them for 2k gold.
19.2m daily gold income total.
%0.1 of 19.2m = 19.2k gold(not a huge boost for wealthy players' nation)
This %0.1 maybe weak but i would like to hear your thoughts about this law suggestion.
Sincerely Mugiwara...