Hideout Building: Witch Hut

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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby William one eye » Sat Feb 11, 2017 4:42 am

I do not agree with it, I have repeated voiced my opinion on that.

I ran a poll - I am not the only one that thinks their should be other uses for the witch hut.
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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby Donald Trump » Sat Feb 11, 2017 4:50 am

Just to bump your suggestion. Which one do people like more / merge/ complete change?

Haron wrote:1) The Witch Hut is a hideout building. It is built and upgraded using materials, gc, gold bars and possibly credits, just like any other hideout building.

2) The sole purpose of the Witch Hut is to craft legendary voodoo.

3) The only reason to upgrade the Witch Hut is to get access to more recipes. There will be more recipes than levels of Witch Hut, so no player can ever get access to all recipes.

4) Each time one gets a new level of the Witch Hut, the player gets access to ONE new legendary voodoo recipe. The player chooses among the list of legendary recepies (ALL are available - no "tiers"). Once chosen, this recipe can NOT be changed (except maybe for a VERY HIGH price). The player gets this recipe by paying for it (or alternatively by doing a mission to get it).

5) In the Witch Hut, ONE legendary voodoo card can be crafted at any time. The time it takes to craft a card is noted on the recipe.

6) In order to start crafting, the ingredients has to be spent. Ingredients are mainly a set of "ordinary" voodoo cards (common, uncommon and rare cards). These ingredients are consumed (gone forever) once crafting starts.

7) When the crafting period is over, the new legendary card is added to the players voodoo chest. He can now start crafting a new card, if he so desires.

8) Legendary voodoo cards can be sold and bought on the market, just like other voodoo cards. Expect the price to be astronomical for some cards.

9) Unless otherwise specified on the card, legendary voodoo has all the same restrictions as ordinary voodoo. They may fail due to mindbar or confuse, and they may be cleared by purify or serenity.
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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby William one eye » Sat Feb 11, 2017 5:12 am

William one eye wrote:My concept of how this should be.

note This has been Edited from the original in a few places

The Witch Hut - a multi use space that is developed similar to a hideout.
It could be in the hideout or a secondary area that is stand alone.
you would need to level it up to add space for each section of the hut.
the hut size works in similar way to mansion and fields

All of the following areas use up hut space as they level up - requiring the hut to be leveled up

Kitchen - where you mix recipes - level up = better recipes
This is the part everyone is describing as the witch hut.

cards could be classified as the following - levels represent when they are possible to craft

lvl -1 to 5 - Ultra rare spells - simple recipes that create cards that are to powerful to be rare, but do not really
class as legendary
lvl - 5-10 - Almost Legendary - starting to get in to some complex recipes - really useful and strong spells that are not
really overpowered

lvl - 11-15 - Legendary - slightly overpowered and complex to make

lvl - 16 -20 - Ultra Legendary - overpowered and take very large input or resources and time to develop

library has been omitted - we are not likely to have enough witch hut cards to make that idea functional.
if you are interested take a look at the original post earlier in the thread.

pantry - where you import supplies to -similar to a warehouse for a hideout. Some recipes may need a large amount of voodoo and other supplies in hand to create. The pantry must be able to hold all supplies required for a recipe before starting the cook. I see the pantry being like your hideout warehouse but for card and bar and possibly other item storage. The larger the pantry the more complex recipes you can mix.
This would be more important if we have odd ingredients, like mermaid tears, and kraken scales and Eye of William ect.

The following are for those who wish to explore the voodoo hut, but may not want to invest the resources to
cook spells. Or additional projects for those who have maxed out their cooking section. These areas also use up hut space.

Altar - alternate build focus does not involve use of cards - each lvl increases your card luck
altar has nothing to do with any of it except is uses hut space it is just an alternate path that gets you a
luck bonus for say duplicate and other luck based cards. Perhaps early levels increase casting luck
and higher levels increase the chances you will get uncommon or rare cards as gifts.

Closet - another alternate build focus - each level allows 1 voodoo doll storage. Make a voodoo doll
for each space in the closet by assigning a player ID, you can attach spells to that doll. When you are ready to cast on the player
you go to the closet and get the doll. All your chosen curses for that player will be available on one page.
you can get rid of a doll at any time and create a new one, but you can only have as many dolls as you have storage spaces at one time.
It would burn turns to change Id's on a doll similar to how you move ships in and out of a marina.

Juju - yet another alternate buid focus - your collection of personal charms

These are not cumulative

level 1 - returns 1 extra gift card per month
level 2 - returns 2 extra gift card per month
level 3 - returns 3 extra gift cards per month
level 4 - returns 1 extra gift card per week
level 5 - returns 2 extra gift cards per week
level 6 - extra gift card every 72 hours
level 7 - extra gift card every 48 hours
level 8 - extra gift card every 24 hours
level 9 - extra gift card every 24 hours - + 1 extra card in each booster pack purchased
level 10 - extra gift card every 24 hours + 2 extra card in each booster pack purchased

adding from another thread -

Other possible witch hut build focus areas

A card vault - limited space to store a small number of cards you wish to protect from magpies.
similar to a marina - you would need a bunch of turns to get cards in or out, basically a fail safe backup of cards
you cannot use until they are removed from the vault with turns.

my variation of an idea from Hawk

Essential minor card craft by some not very efficient way for new players to get cards they really need but cant afford by credits - this only makes sense if they can afford to build the hut in the first place. I was against the idea of crafting existing cards, however your suggestion seems it would be helpful for new players, if it was designed to prevent established players from flooding the market with cards they created.

Like hideout development you can only work on one thing at a time.

I suggest you build your hut first, then you must build a kitchen to craft or you can just work on an alter, closet, or juju collection.
The kitchen comes with a basic pantry - it has a basic pantry that holds enough cards for the first lvl spells. Then you must build up your pantry to get full advantage of the crafting part of your hut.
I don't feel any of it needs to be terribly expensive but players should have to choose paths and how they want to allocate build times, so people will develop the huts in different styles similar to how the hideout works.
Some may want to max the kitchen and get a few high level recipes as fast as possible. while
others may want to research in the library and have a huge array of common card recipes
eventually people would start having fully maxed out huts, but in the beginning you would have to make choices on your preferred direction.

alternate ingredients added from another thread

if we can use ingredients not yet available, what will they be, how are the acquired and how rare.

Gems- mined, won , stolen - there are many suggestions on gem stones

Eye of newt - mission - easy but time consuming - must re-run mission each time - something like an actual fleet must take x number of crew to a specific port. They hunt in that port for Newts. Best ports change and should be noted somewhere. Maybe in the Tavern

Mermaid Tears - must go fishing in specific- global events posts weekly what port mermaids have been spotted in. must get x amount of fish from that port and you are awarded mermaid tears.

Kraken scales - if someone attacks you with a kraken you are awared 1 kraken scale.

Tooth of leviathan - if someone attacks you with a leviathan you are awarded 1 leviathan tooth.

Daughter - must be at 100 affinity and walking on clouds - then you can sacrifice her - once she is used you must win her back again

Ship - must be a specific type of ship with a certain att level - something very specific say a 42 att regular merchantman -

I would say you could potentially open an ingredient exchange as well.

These are just a few examples - I am open to suggestions for more
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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby Maha » Sat Feb 11, 2017 10:28 am

since CJ stated that he was ready to launch soon when the legendary cards are available, i guess that the decision on what the witch hut will be is already made.

i trust that CJ and his team will carefully move forwards. suggesting alternatives at this late stage may not do much anymore.

CJ, may i ask for a broad outline of how the witch hut will function and what can still be changed in the design? right now there are too many uncertainties around the witchhut.
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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby William one eye » Sat Feb 11, 2017 12:04 pm

Admin can implement ideas very fast, even more so when they are modifications of something they have already developed. Many times I believe they a more limited by r&d than coding ability. They have shown interest in exploring alternate designs. Mine is very different. Perhaps a bit out of that scope. I am certain CJ would let us know if anything is to far out of scope to be considered. Their interest in quick implementation only means now is the time to put any design ideas forward to see if admin or the community are interested.

I would agree the more guidance admin can provide as to what is set, what is fexible and what if anything needs some discussion would help greatly in the process of moving on to card design.
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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby Maha » Sat Feb 11, 2017 1:45 pm

William one eye wrote:Admin can implement ideas very fast, even more so when they are modifications of something they have already developed. Many times I believe they a more limited by r&d than coding ability. They have shown interest in exploring alternate designs. Mine is very different. Perhaps a bit out of that scope. I am certain CJ would let us know if anything is to far out of scope to be considered. Their interest in quick implementation only means now is the time to put any design ideas forward to see if admin or the community are interested.

I would agree the more guidance admin can provide as to what is set, what is fexible and what if anything needs some discussion would help greatly in the process of moving on to card design.

ok, thanks for the reply. i like your larger structure in general.
i do have some reservations on making normal voodoo. however a cooking class could be part of the structure; 20 levels each level allows to make a limited set of cards (limited both in number as in kind of cards) the lower levels allow for a few npc-fighting cards, mid level cards for trade related and top level for port/nation related cards. this way newbs will be able to use voodoo that is useful for them at the level where they are without the fear that the market will be flooded with too many cards. these 20 levels could be linked to the starter missions and should not be free, but affordable for new players.

low level (1-5) cards for the cooking class: bless, drums, 2x coastals and pacify; each level adds one of these cards and 10 'lessons' . the player can choose which from the unlocked cards he brews.

mid level (6-15) cards are the indian cards, the party cards and fav wind, each level gives 5 'lessons', player can choose from all unlocked cards.

top level (16-20) cards are TI & BD only and give 2 lessons per level only.

this way a new player is able to rank up in a nation if he desires so, even when he cannot buy cards from the market.

after the last lesson is used the cooking class is removed.
a way to prevent that these cards will end up at the auction is to let them be 'look a likes' with " (home brewed) " on the card. these look alike cards function the sa,me as the original cards but cannot be sold at the auction.

another way to allow normal voodoo to be brewed is that other voodoo cards are needed to brew a card. there are plenty of 'a dozen to the credit' cards that can be used to create the more valuable cards. this will have the positive effect that these 'cheap' cards gain value and that the need to buy booster packs stays intact. a simple way to do this is to extract the voodoo out of a card and install it in gems (will make some happy) common cards produce 1 gem per card, uncommon 5 and rare 15. To brew a new common card 20 gems are needed, 100 for uncommon and 300 to create a rare card. these gems can be traded on a gem exchange like the credit one.

the voodoo extractor can level up. that allows for slightly better card to gem rates. (eg. lvl 1 gives 21 gems for 20 cards, lvl 2 turns 20 uncommon cards in 101 gems etc )

an voodoo enhancer can make gems more powerful (less gems needed per card-brew) for this enhancer are special items needed that has to be found through missions. each level unlocks a new item. all items have a limited use (both in time and in number of uses)
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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby Mugiwara » Sat Feb 11, 2017 1:56 pm

nice addition Maha. I also think William One Eye's witch hut idea not bad. No need to worry about crafting normal voodoos. just put a limitation on them. maybe a few cards for each week. and no sale value (dont know if they can be classified for that purpose) will be a good option for normal voodoos.

Sometimes you may not be able to find your desired voodoo on market. it will help that a bit. also using non popular cards for crafting will lead more buy options for packages. Because at some point the existing nonpopular voodoo amount will be decreased due to craft rates.
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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby William one eye » Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:25 pm

An alternate to regular cards crafting, is a gift wish list. Some one suggested something similar to this. I will look around and see if I can find it. This is how i would make it work. Basically lets say each level allows you to choose a peferred gift card. And as the levels increase so does the chance you get one of the cards on your list. You can only have one of each specific card at a time, and all on the the list have equal chance. Chance multiplier would be sonething like. Cards loaded X 1.01 X some multiplier based upon join date that favors new players and decreases the longer they have played. I like the number of spaces filled otherwise someone could have level 20 and only fill in one slot with the card they want most. Also a feature like this is only helpful if it is affordable for a new player. Perhaps this or essential card crafting maybe should be a feature for only new players that is not in the hut at all.

Essential card crafting should also be limited to only benefit newer players.

Maybe combine it with a hideout type shipwright, trade and piracy buffs aimed only at helping new players and create a small area for new players thats similar to a hide out, but inexpensive and has an expiration based upon player start date. Sort of a training hideout.
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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby Haron » Sat Feb 11, 2017 10:41 pm

I think Danik is right. Every player has his or her own vision of what the Witch Hut should be. This makes it impossible for anyone to consider if "the Witch Hut" is a good idea or not, since no-one knows what this actually is supposed to be.

Several players, including me, have described how they picture the Witch Hut. I think it's going to be hard to agree on one "optimal" version which everyone will feel is the best. We all have different opinions. I think that in order to move forward, it will be necessary with a decision from the devs. There are several options, but as I see it, they fall in these categories:

A) Cancel the Witch Hut entirely
B) Postpone the Witch Hut (for a specified time or indefinitely)
C) Give a clear and concise description of exactly what the Witch Hut will be (not necessarily including a description of every future voodoo card, but a description of exactly how the Witch Hut will work)
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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby Hawk » Sun Feb 12, 2017 1:11 am

Yeah. We are providing input, but it takes someone with an overall picture and the means to make it happen to implement it. If anything the fact that we all have different viewpoints is a good thing. And it certainly doesnt mean the devs can't decide how the feature would best be, and make it happen (if they want to).

So far I think the best of all worlds would be a witch hut that can create simple voodoo intermittently to help new players progress on their path, and that can be leveled for more voodoo options.. and at the highest level **legendary voodoos**
:o: :o: :o: :hh :o: :o: :o:
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