Nation Recruitment Strategies (Small)

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Re: Nation Recruiting.

Postby William one eye » Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:14 pm

When I joined, I remember wondering if I was supposed to pick a random nation, or if I was supposed to pick nation I live in when I am not playing this game. I did not even realize that port control was an aspect of the game and that some nations who controlled them had some benefits. While I do not view this as a major problem with the game, I think it could use a bit of clarification at that stage. perhaps there should be a clear link to a page where nation can create a basic invite message for new players if they wish.

- join nation XYZ - we have kittens
- don't join Nation ABC - we are full
- join nation TUV we have stipends
- join Nation EFG we have 20 players and hope to be on the map soon
- Join Nation HJK we have laws
- Join Nation QWE we have no laws

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Re: Nation Recruiting.

Postby Sebena » Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:29 pm

I don't see this as issue in fact I see it as beneficial because new player then can't be caught in the war if he joined smaller nation and he can then learn the game. I joined BiH when I was starting and I joined SSTG I was taught about nation aspect equally as if I was member of Bermuda or any other big nations... it all depends on guild where you join...
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Re: Nation Recruiting.

Postby Admiral Nelson » Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:32 pm

Wolfie wrote:I don't see this as issue in fact I see it as beneficial because new player then can't be caught in the war if he joined smaller nation and he can then learn the game. I joined BiH when I was starting and I joined SSTG I was taught about nation aspect equally as if I was member of Bermuda or any other big nations... it all depends on guild where you join...

Not necessarily, Wolfie.

They are only a few guilds out there, that makes you join a nation or at least prefers you to, with SSTG being one of them. (Prefers)

Spanish Ayes, was a example of this at one stage.
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Re: Nation Recruiting.

Postby Sebena » Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:46 pm

You are wrong SSTG has policy of allowing every nation only difference is that you can't advance further than rank of Sailor if you are under any other nation...
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Re: Nation Recruiting.

Postby sXs » Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:47 pm

John Avery William One Eye I agree.

I am not asking for a change in mechanics of the game. Really only want the ability from the outset to make a case for Nations. A simple section in the join page for Nations to post a recruitment message, maybe a stagnant description of what benefits go along with the nations.

To the other points, people would still be able to change nations if it is a suggestion of a guild or for benefits the player deems significant.

Again, I am not asking for changes to game mechanics.
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Re: Nation Recruiting.

Postby Admiral Nelson » Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:55 pm

Such thing is easy to do, but I believe someone mentioned only the Top 10 should be allowed - Which is good.

Otherwise when a nation is 'destroyed', messages would come through to the player and he would be coming to the nation for nothing.
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Re: Nation Recruiting.

Postby sXs » Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:01 pm

Top 10 is current listed and updated. I believe any nation that is active should be allowed to post some sort of message. A simple link to a recruitment message next to nation name. If the nation is inactive ie no recruitment message submitted, then would not be on the list.
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Re: Nation Recruiting.

Postby Stan Rogers » Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:12 pm

Like Willy 1Eye, when first starting, I too was somewhat confused to what was needed and put my native nation as a starting point. Did not take long to figure out I joined the wrong nation but then again, I was blind at the start.

I like all the above suggestions as anything, would be better than the current (or when I started) guide when signing up. If a little change could help infant mortality with new players by 1%, it's still a step in the right direction.
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Re: Nation Recruiting.

Postby PhoenixKnight » Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:35 pm

When I joined, I was USA. It was right before the Barbados wars started and the map was pretty colorful.
I had a nation mission and I thought, I want to be King. So I joined Egypt since no one claimed it.
I spent a long time after that to build it up.
A little direction wouldn't hurt.
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Re: Nation Recruiting.

Postby Maha » Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:39 pm

for US players it isn't a great deal for there are many US players. players from other nations join their nation in the game and find themselves alone or with a few others who don't communicate with the other players. These players won't get help from that part of the game.

i am not a 'gamer', in fact i was reluctant to join a guild, i had never done that before. what does it mean to join a guild? do i have to pay a guild fee? i didn't know. but it did not stop me from playing this game. i got several invitations from guilds and i thought that the smallest was the safest for a noob like me. bad choice.

What kept me in the game were 2 things; the challenges of the beginner missions and the acts of kindness done by other players.

the nation part of the game is imo not an important part for new players. it is true that free gc is enticing, but it also makes one more dependent on hand-outs.

rather than promoting nations before the game starts i would suggest that all start as pirates and that new players have to wait for a few days before they apply to join a nation. at that time they have gained some knowledge of ports and nations and hopefully will make a more informed choice.
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