Jeugeniio12233 wrote:asddad
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Jeugeniio12233 wrote:asddad
Malachi Constant wrote:Witch Hut tier suggestions:
Each level reduces cost of cooking by 1% (gold coin or bar cost only)
Levels 1-5 cook Common Cards
Common cards can be cooked using other common card, or gold coin.
To introduce these cards to be cooked, the cost of such will be determined by AVG cost of card in market X AVG credit cost in gold coin.
E.G : Transport Immigrants is currently around 17 credits. Let’s say 150,000 AVG cost per credit.
17*150,000=2,550,000 gold coin to cook that card
With discount of 5% at lvl 5, cooks can work the market and bring equilibrium.
Levels 6-10 cook Uncommon
Either gold coin method or a combination of gold coin, bars and recipes to create Uncommon cards
Levels 11-15 cook Rare
Rare cards can only be cooked using recipes and/or gold bars. No coin or market equivalent.
Allows goldsmith to be more relevant, and leveling smith more important and adds more value.
Level 16-20 cook Legendary
Recipe and gold bar only, tier the new batch of Legendary cards as put together by new card group to fit within these parameters.
Total 20% discount on bar cost of upgrade and/or card cost for cooking.
Meliva wrote:
I somewhat like your idea, but a problem I see in this is that voodoo cards value on the market can change. sometimes slightly, sometimes greatly. for example, Bribe is currently worth 12 credits. however I recall a while ago it was worth around 8 credits. and I recall one point it was worth around 20 credits. so from 20-8-12 that is quite the change over time. so will the Hut change its prices as the cards do? in that case the more powerful players may try to manipulate the market, by intentionally lowering the value of a card. perhaps instead a fixed price should be set for all cards based on all around use and benefits.
Captain Jack wrote:Added:
-We can also add a level requirement for every recipe. Some super cards will only unlock at level 18 or 20 for example.
Captain Jack wrote:Captain Jack wrote:Added:
-We can also add a level requirement for every recipe. Some super cards will only unlock at level 18 or 20 for example.
If we go for levels for each recipe, which to me sounds like a good way to go, we can then force the player to pick 1 recipe from each level. At this case we will need to have at least 3 recipes per level to make it count, although not mandatory. This can be very stressing as it will need about 60 more cards but it can result to a better game.
This means that we can make simpler cards out of the Witch Hut, at least for the first 10 levels. The Legendary cards can start after level 10. They could be about 30 at least, out of which each player will get to pick only 10.
Another way to go, is to create recipe trees. Do you want this super recipe? Simply use your slots to reach it. This will save considerable debating on what level every card should be. It will though limit options and diversity while it will create a new debate in how the chain should go. Harder to modify later and as a result more difficult to control its impact.
As it seems, this seems the most appealing for us:
This means that we can make simpler cards out of the Witch Hut, at least for the first 10 levels. The Legendary cards can start after level 10. They could be about 30 at least, out of which each player will get to pick only 10.