General chit-chat about anything in-game here. In-game trade offers should be published here Roleplaying is recommended (Write like as if your character is speaking)
not particular order and I agree top 10 would be a lot easier
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
the blues-brothers (good music, hilarious over the top while the story-line is consistent.)
the Godfather trilogy (strong story of fate, commitment to the group and hope)
school of rock (great movie of rebellion against imposed expectations and how doing good - even when done out of wrong motives- leads to a happier world)
this is pretty hard both because I don't watch many movies and because what few movies ive seen will be tough to pick favorites out of. but heres my 3 in no particular order
1. oh brother where art thou(a hilarious movie with some great morals.) 2. Cinderella man( a great movie about me and my fathers favorite boxer of all time James Braddock.) 3. Of mice and Men( based off the book, has one of the most well known and greatest endings.)