Foundry - New Building & New Market

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Re: Cannon Maker - New Building & New Market

Postby Shadowood » Thu Dec 29, 2016 5:08 am

William one eye wrote:If you run out of canon balls.

you could choose to shoot gc, at the cost of how ever much you choose to load. Must be available from your treasury.

You could shoot scrapmetal and nails, set ammount per ship and cannot repair ship for x number of hours after use for y ammount used.

Load cutlery, x ammount shot offsets any gains from hammock attributes by y ammount for z hours

Whether this happens or not I do feel cannon balls should be part of inventory and you must restock after you have used some. This will add to planning of attacks as well.
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Re: Cannon Maker - New Building & New Market

Postby Grimrock Litless » Thu Dec 29, 2016 5:12 am

Shadowood wrote:
Grimrock Litless wrote:Is this gonna allow people to kill crew?

Certain Shot type used, yes

Well, that would be bad for me , because I am lazy to go and keep looking for all the ships I have that was killed in one battle each, so, how about, No?

Plus, some of us have like not the max number of crews in each ship, like 80/100, killing 50% means that, 40/100 and the dude would have to hurt himself in real life just to make it right again.

Btw, is the crew killing allowed for, every ship?
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Re: Cannon Maker - New Building & New Market

Postby Shadowood » Thu Dec 29, 2016 5:40 am

Forgot to add. Bronze Cannons will have 500 shot usage. Cast Iron will last 1000 shots. I will edit main post later.
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Re: Cannon Maker - New Building & New Market

Postby Shadowood » Thu Dec 29, 2016 5:43 am

Maha wrote:+1

i assume that the foundry can build lower level cannons as well; a new level just unlocking another option to built.

smaller ships should have a cannon sizes limitation. a too big a gun would blow a smaller ship apart.

what about bow chasers and afterdeck guns? these will first once at the start of the battle.

Basic Round Shot along with the basic starting cannons will always be available, was my thought. Everything else in this building is an upgrade.
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Re: Foundry - New Building & New Market

Postby DezNutz » Thu Dec 29, 2016 6:02 am

+1 With exception to the ability to kill the crew.

I'm pretty sure that the ability to kill crew will be a no from the admins. If the ship's crew drops below a certain point, the ship will "stall" at sea and will never reach port. As you can't add crew members outside of port, the ships are perpetually lost at sea.
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Re: Foundry - New Building & New Market

Postby Grimrock Litless » Thu Dec 29, 2016 6:13 am

DezNutz wrote:+1 With exception to the ability to kill the crew.

I'm pretty sure that the ability to kill crew will be a no from the admins. If the ship's crew drops below a certain point, the ship will "stall" at sea and will never reach port. As you can't add crew members outside of port, the ships are perpetually lost at sea.

Agree, +1 if there is no way for the crew to get killed by this.
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Re: Foundry - New Building & New Market

Postby Donald Trump » Thu Dec 29, 2016 6:28 am

DezNutz wrote:+1 With exception to the ability to kill the crew.

I'm pretty sure that the ability to kill crew will be a no from the admins. If the ship's crew drops below a certain point, the ship will "stall" at sea and will never reach port. As you can't add crew members outside of port, the ships are perpetually lost at sea.

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Re: Cannon Maker - New Building & New Market

Postby Darakis » Thu Dec 29, 2016 8:09 am

Shadowood wrote:I am working on a new building for your hideout. This will open a new market in PG. Cannons and Shot
My idea I would hope, could tie into the current system and/or with the new Ship Specialization coming out.

Much like a Gold Smith or a Shipwright, you can choose to become Cannon Maker (need help on the name). The higher the level the more options you unlock in both Cannon size, type and shot. Once complete you can sell 'new cannons' on the cannon market.

Players will be able to "customize" their ships with newer cannons. These newer cannons will have options like Reduced Weight, Increased Accuracy, Increased DMG and even type of DMG with certain Shot Type. wrote: There were several different sizes and types of ship cannon. These guns also fired a variety of shot types. By the end of the 17th century, cast-iron had replaced bronze as the most common metal used in making cannon. This material made it much easier and less expensive to produce them in large numbers. Cannon usually required a crew of three or four men to effectively fire and reload. Taking a couple of minutes for a trained crew to repeat the firing process. It took a lot of practice and training for a gun crew to be effective. In later guns, a flintlock firing mechanism began to replace the slow burning match and touch hole. This proved to be a safer and more reliable method of fire. It worked by pulling a lanyard to activate the firing mechanism. The main guns were normally placed along the sides of a ship. Battle tactics for attacking another ship were usually a broadside style attack. This required a ship to expose it’s side cannons to the enemy ship, then fire all of these guns repeatedly.

A ships cannon was referred to by the weight of the shot that it fired. The cannon itself usually weighed around two hundred times the weight of the shot it fired. Hence, an 8 pounder cannon weighed some 1600lbs, but fired a 8 pound ball. The weight of gunpowder needed was approximately half the weight of the shot fired. Ship cannon were made in various sizes from small 2 pounders, to large 24 pounder ship wreckers. Shore fortifications often boasted even heavier cannons. The big 32 pounders were commonly used for this. A typical gun size on a pirate sloop or small schooner would be 4 to 8 pounders. They could fire a cannonball over 1,000 yards. But the maximum effective range was more likely 100 to 200 yards. Cannonballs did little damage at long range, and cannon fire was notoriously inaccurate. These guns also wore out relatively quick. Normally becoming unsafe to use after around 500 to 1,000 shots. Since pirates did not normally intend to sink their prey, their guns were usually loaded with a selection of ammunition effective against personnel or rigging and sails.

I envision a feature where a sailor can customize his ships through cannons. He can carry a 24 pound ship wrecker, but will sacrifice speed and turning. He can carry 8 pounders and gain speed and turning, but decreases damage out put.
This leads me to type of Shot. There were several used back in the Golden Days: wrote:ROUND SHOT
The standard iron cannonball. They were made in several common sizes but because of production quality, no two were exactly the same. These relatively loose fitting balls were not very accurate at long distances. But they could travel farther then other types of shot, making them a popular round at medium to long ranges anyway, especially in a defensive role. The cannonball would have been used at close range for it's overall destructive effects. Damaging enemy cannons, crew, masts, and particularly a ships hull in an attempt to sink it. They were also used against shore fortifications.

These odd looking shots consisted of two cannonballs or two halves of a ball attached together either by iron bars or chains. They were designed specifically to damage a ships rigging and sails. These shots could cause major damage, wrapping around masts and reducing them to splinters, or taking out whole sails by simply ripping them to shreds. This type of shot was generally not very effective against a ships hull, and did not have the range of a standard cannonball.

This was simply several short iron bars bundled together with a length of rope. The bundles were custom made to fit snugly inside each cannon. When fired, the rope would loosen and the iron bars would begin to spread apart. Once these bars hit something they would begin to tumble, creating devastating damage to flesh and bone, or wood and sail. Bundle shot was said to be quite impressive when used at relatively close distances.

Small iron balls about three quarters of an inch in diameter were packed in bags and used as grapeshot. The bag disintegrated when the powder ignited releasing a cluster of balls in a wide shot pattern. This load was very deadly against crewmen at extremely close range, and often used to repel boarders. Canister shot had a large metal container that was filled with gravel, nails, or musket balls. The container would burst when fired and scatter its lethal contents similar to grapeshot. Canister was more effective than grapeshot at closer ranges and began to replace it during the 1800s.

These two specialty rounds came into use at the height of the great age of sail. An explosive hollow cannonball fitted with a crude fuse that was lit just before it was fired. The intent was for the shell to explode when it reached the enemy ship. Timing was critically important to be effective, and also to not have it blow up in one’s face. The hot iron shot was heated to a red hot condition just before being fired. The purpose of using this shot was to set the victims ship on fire. This type of round could also be extremely dangerous to a gun crew, as the heat of the shot inside the cannon could cause the gunpowder to ignite prematurely. They should have coined the phrase "Don't try this at home" with these rounds.

My idea with shot comes from NOT WANTING TO CAUSE A SHIP TO LOSE LEVEL. Many pirates/privateers know the feeling when going against a nice lvl 10 SOLT or MOW only to get it and its now a lvl 9. I want a player to be able to customize their shot as to not do dmg to ship and/or dmg to crew. With 5 ships in a fleet you could have a cool combo of different cannons and shot.

As stated above and to continue a profitable market, these player made cannons would have a shelf life of 500-1000 shots. At which point they would need to scrap for 30% of purchase value and buy new ones.

With the new Ship Salvage feature coming out, I see this as a way for a player to find some cannons and put them on the market as well.

Lvls - Assuming that the game starts you out with Bronze 6 Pounder Cannons right now. *Cast Iron weighs less then Bronze*

LvL 1 - Bronze 8 pounder (-2% Speed, +2%dmg)
Lvl 2 - Bronze 9 pounder (-3% Speed, +3% dmg)
Lvl 3 - Bronze 12 pounder (-4% Speed, +4% dmg)
Lvl 4 - Bar and Chain Shot (+10% dmg)
Lvl 5 - Bronze 18 pounder (-5% Speed, +5% dmg, +2% accuracy)
lvl 6 - Bronze 24 pounder (-6% Speed, +6% dmg, +4% accuracy)
lvl 8 - Bronze 32 pounder (-8% Speed, +8% dmg, +8% accruacy)
lvl 9 - Bundle Shot (+10% dmg, Kills 25% crew)
lvl 10 - Bronze 36 pounder (-10% speed, +10% dmg, +10% accuracy)
lvl 11 - Cast Iron 6 pounder (+10% speed, +2% dmg)
lvl 12 - Cast Iron 8 pounder (+8% speed, +3% dmg)
lvl 13 - Grape Shot (Kills 50% crew)
lvl 14 - Cast Iron 9 pounder (+6% speed, +4% dmg)
lvl 15 - Cast Iron 12 pounder (+5% speed, +5% dmg)
lvl 16- Cast Iron 18 pounder (+4% speed, +6% dmg +4% accuracy)
lvl 17 Explosive Shells / Hot Iron Shot (+25% dmg, Kills 50% crew)
lvl 18 - Cast Iron 24 pounder (+3% speed, +8% dmg, +8% accuracy)
Lvl 19 - Cast Iron 32 pounder (+2% speed, +10% dmg, +10% accuracy)
Lvl 20 - Cast Iron 36 pounder (+15% dmg, +15% accuracy)

Currently you do not have to buy and stock Cannon Balls or Shot on your ship. I would like to suggest otherwise. This will tie into having to "buy" balls/shot at a market.

This is just a rough idea of course. Would like feedback on how to improve or Scrap

+1 I think this is a good idea & I also have questions & suggestions. I am familiar with other pirate games like Pirate Storm, Sea Fight & Black Sails which is not a MMO (not relating to the TV series).

1st I want to talk about is the ammunition. Instead of 5 types of ammunition I think there should be 4. Round Shot, Chain Shot, Grape Shot & Bomb Shot. Like you said Round Shot or Stock Cannon Balls will be our standard shot & would not cost a coin. If PG were to have sail or rigging damage, this is where the Chain Shot would come in. It would do damage to the ship & high damage to the sails or rigging which would decrease the ships speed. Grape Shot is a tricky one to think on because it does damage to the crew & not to the hull. I'm guessing you thinking the ship would be defeated it it had no crew on board or the ship armed with Grape Shot would revert to Round Shot after depleting the crew. Bomb Shot is is the type of shot that does high damage to the ship. The question is the price of these special rounds.

I have some thoughts & ideas on the special cannons idea. 1st idea is to give the cannons a higher price & upkeep then regular cannons. The upkeep would be based on there stats, the better cannons would have a higher value & upkeep then normal cannons. Another is based on the lifespan of the cannons. I notice you said the Bronze Cannons are heavier, I was thinking why not give then a longer lifespan then the Cast Iron Cannons.

These are just thoughts though, so what do you think?
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Re: Foundry - New Building & New Market

Postby Admiral Nelson » Thu Dec 29, 2016 8:40 am


This will make a huge difference in Pirates Glory - Granted, it means the Dev team will be busy if they decide this can be implemented.

But it does add more strategic value!

What should I buy, cannons to kill crew or cannons to cut down the sails? Both would mark her unworthy of combat!
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Re: Foundry - New Building & New Market

Postby Grimrock Litless » Thu Dec 29, 2016 11:20 am

No crew killing please.
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