[Implemented] Transport People between ports

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Re: Transport People between ports

Postby Mugiwara » Wed Dec 21, 2016 12:30 pm

In my opinion carrying population will add such a nice aspect to game but it should be calculated well. For carrying populations there should be a daily limit for it.

For example if fed trader can carry 500k in a day from akritori. 10 of them will completely take all population akritori have in only 4 days. in that case big nations with big amounts of players(too much ships to carry pop for their ports) will drain the low population nations blood. for prevent this there should be a limit to carry pops not count base maybe % based of total pops. and it will led bigger nations ports little bit more vulnerable(they can still cover for their lose with too much ships and players availability)

This system should work well for both less player based nations and big player based nations. For preventing to have huge powerspike for sake of big nations. Daily limit to carry pop for per person with % based seems nice in my opinion. And daily limit to a port can lose pop % based will be nice also. Hopefully it prevents to target specific ports less.

I dont know it will be good to have but one side effect(which also can add a nice brain storms to the game) is a nation can drain their pops themself to prevent lose pops to other nations.
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Re: Transport People between ports

Postby Haron » Wed Dec 21, 2016 12:53 pm

What happens if I plunder a fleet with immigrants, and the owner doesn't have enough gc in his purse to pay the ransom? Can he "sell" his immigrants like any other cargo to cover the ransom?
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Re: Transport People between ports

Postby Valar Morghulis » Wed Dec 21, 2016 2:37 pm

It may be considered as a nice game feature. It may be that the population transported will add to the new port.
Player in question that transport the pilgrims have no control over the population upon reaching
destination with the exception of a possible opportunity to change nationality.

It may be seen as innocent as the black death and Transport immigrants cards
and thus must be seen that way. Else the two voodoo cards in question have to
be deemed the same way - marking the casting player either as a
pimp or butcher.

PG is a roleplay and based somehow on historic facts. So
segregating between real life and game is of importance.

It may be that this feature will correct some builtin imbalances in game
and may make the game more interesting
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Re: Transport People between ports

Postby William one eye » Wed Dec 21, 2016 4:28 pm

Here I am just thinking of them as cargo, trying to see how many I can convince Captain Jack to let me jam into one cargo slot :x . What an unscrupulous buisness man I am turning out to be. :))

When looking at this one must consider the opportunity cost you are giving up to transport these citizens. This will be useful to build or steal populations. I do not see any way to make this a profitable endeavor.

I beleive Maha suggested in another thread, shifting population that retains their origin nationality. That would make for an interesting use of this feature. Would a nation be able to win a port if they exported enough population to that port and out populated the existing citizens.
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Re: Transport People between ports

Postby Shadowood » Wed Dec 21, 2016 4:35 pm

William one eye wrote:I beleive Maha suggested in another thread, shifting population that retains their origin nationality. That would make for an interesting use of this feature. Would a nation be able to win a port if they exported enough population to that port and out populated the existing citizens.

That could cause a war if it were public knowledge that Isle of Man is 60% made up of Egyptian citizens. :o:
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Re: Transport People between ports

Postby Haron » Wed Dec 21, 2016 4:40 pm

I think this is a good idea. But I only see people as cargo for now. Letting them be of various nationalities or ethnicities should wait (or perhaps be dropped entirely).

I would like there to be an option to disrupt the trade, though. I think if a fleet is plundered, the population should revert to their original port. That way, one can light up and plunder someone trying to reduce a port's population.

(In fact, I think it should be possible to disrupt other trade as well, but converting a plunder target's goods to gc and giving it to the plunder, but that's another story)
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Re: Transport People between ports

Postby Captain Jack » Thu Dec 22, 2016 4:22 pm

These are immigrants, let us not confuse them with Slaves. Truth be told, we could have used slaves in Goldsmiths but we did not. However, if we take historical realism seriously, Slaves were the main source of the plantations of the new world. I am not convinced though that they should be incorporated as a concept. We are find as we are.

Sinking the ship of those stealing your pop will be your only way. Skirmishing them will return 9gc per crate (2 immigrants packed in there).

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Re: Transport People between ports

Postby Stan Rogers » Thu Dec 22, 2016 4:37 pm

"Kanoni has 64,232,448 inhabitants right now.
There are 32,116,149 people available for hire right now.

Your influence is 0!
This means you cannot recruit anyone until your influence raises"

Would I be able to gather up a shipload of immigrants regardless ?
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Re: Transport People between ports

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Thu Dec 22, 2016 4:38 pm

Lets not get to carried away with realism, otherwise USA will be ordering Mexico to build a wall to keep them out...
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Re: Transport People between ports

Postby Shadowood » Thu Dec 22, 2016 4:57 pm

Well Malachi could at least build a fence to keep the Donkeys out. :D
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