Mack wrote:Maha wrote:which nation is invading? remember we were talking about armies!!!
is the USA so feeble and rotten that it fears a collapse from illegal immigrants or a different worldview?
we have the same arguments in Europe, the influx of muslim refugees will destroy our way of living? if our way of living cannot win over a people fleeing from poverty, violence and abuse than our way of life is really poor!
The US often boasted to be a nation of immigrants. what happened that immigrants are now something to be feared?
what is an army exactly, because I think if there's hundreds of thousands of people over here with weapons and the ability to communicate with each other with a plan that could be an army in my mind..and there are private training camps throughout the Nation ran by who most Americans would consider enemies... so I definitely think it's possible it's well on its way already
the difference between an army and a mob is that an army is organised and trained to operate together. what you are describing is scary! many democrats see republicans as enemies right now. and the other way around. both groups have weapons and are able to communicate.
and those private training camps... is that not what the 2nd amendment is all about? milititia's! are you really proposing to demolish the 2nd amendment to protect it?
that SOME consider those groups enemies say enough, some do not. whose freedom are you willing to sacrifice to protect your freedom?