[Implemented] Plunder Balance report

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Re: [Implemented] Plunder Balance report

Postby Shadowood » Wed Dec 14, 2016 7:52 pm

Captain Jack wrote:Implemented

This is a feature that focuses in the changes at your treasury.

->Cargo lost is not included as this will be included in the fleet profit metric instead.
->Lost levels do not show up for defenders. This needs to be recorded differently if ever as it is not an actual loss, since we cannot track the origin of the upgraded level (market bought ship, stolen, upgraded with journey). Still, thanks to the Ships Overview feature you can track losses if you wish. Perhaps the best solution here would be a chart.
->Ships captured are not incorporated as well. However, we have started counting ships lost and won (just now) and we will provide this metrics to you sooner or later.

Ships income should be recorded only when sold to the shipwright. We should also track gold income you receive from voodoo and finally from the credit exchange. Once we do these 3 things, we will have logged everything that generates gold for your account (trading + banks are already recorded). I have to say that this is not in our priorities.

OH! Can we add this to the Quartermaster/Quick Stats/Top 10 reports!! I would love to have a little competition of who plunders the most with my fellow sea mates!
I don't fear death. I look forward to it with great anticipation. For then I will met God face to face and let him know that I stole his Man of War!!!
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Re: [Implemented] Plunder Balance report

Postby Captain Jack » Wed Dec 14, 2016 8:46 pm

Sooner or later. These are also features that will be incorporated into the automated Avonmora Herald.
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