New "Inn Keeper" Feature (Medium)

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Re: New "Inn Keeper" Feature

Postby Sebena » Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:11 pm

Then all I can say that this will end as a failure noone would want to invest a resources or even spend not just money and resources on it but also cards to stay in port or work aggainst your nation casting black daths and spending cards to maintain your position...
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Re: New "Inn Keeper" Feature

Postby Shadowood » Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:15 pm

Meliva wrote:
even if you attempt to keep the population stable, any number of things can ruin your attempts. what if someone bombards it with Black deaths or Transport Immigrants. in fact if someone DOES bombard it with TI that's beneficial to the port and nation, so you may lose the port unless you hit it with BD's, which would be detrimental to your nation. I agree with Haron, that a good method would be whoever holds the most influence in said port, or maybe make it to where governors are appointed by the king or council. but there needs to be a way to make governor seats less prone to switching.

Wolfie wrote:Then all I can say that this will end as a failure noone would want to invest a resources or even spend not just money and resources on it but also cards to stay in port or work aggainst your nation casting black daths and spending cards to maintain your position...

Interesting.. I didn't know that ports change so often that this would be an issue.

What you guys are describing is people being more active in taking down ports and making this hell for people to own INN's.

OMG! Did we actually just find something that will cause more action in the GAME!?! Please say its so! More action is what we have all been talking about. Now something comes along that may add to this and you say NO Don't do it! LOL

I am confused. ;)

On another note. We have heard feedback on the Governor seat, I would love to hear feedback on the EFFECTs. Are they fair, what else would you suggest, is the price right, to high to low....

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Re: New "Inn Keeper" Feature

Postby Shadowood » Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:23 pm

Just thought of this...

What if there is only 1 INN per Nation. And it is ran through the Nations Controls. Make it listed on main Nation page next to Parliment, Forum, Treasury. Make it simple where the money is just deposited into the Nations treasury as added income?

Just a thought. I like brainstorming. I would much rather reward the Governors and Kings for putting up high influence though.

This would make controlling at least one port more valuable.
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Re: New "Inn Keeper" Feature

Postby Maha » Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:37 pm

Shadowood wrote:Just thought of this...

What if there is only 1 INN per Nation. And it is ran through the Nations Controls. Make it listed on main Nation page next to Parliment, Forum, Treasury. Make it simple where the money is just deposited into the Nations treasury as added income?

Just a thought. I like brainstorming. I would much rather reward the Governors and Kings for putting up high influence though.

This would make controlling at least one port more valuable.
with this it comes close to a 'building' option in my suggestion Ports, influence through buildings
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Re: New "Inn Keeper" Feature

Postby Haron » Tue Nov 22, 2016 9:34 am

Shadowood wrote:Merchant –
A) 2% Extra Income on Trade Route Sales. .5% Gold Bars. Can be stacked with Indian Company Cards. Max rest time is 48 Hours. Max Benefit Time 96 Hours.
B) 10% Ship Speed Gain. Can be stacked with Favorable wind. Max rest time is 48 Hours. Max Benefit Time 96 Hours
C) 70% chance of fleet avoiding skirmish. Max rest time 12 hours. Max Benefit Time 24 hours

Pirate –
D) Lower Danger Gain per attack by 2. Max rest time 12 hours. Max Benefit Time 24 hours
E) 10% better attack roll. Can be stacked with voodoo. Max rest time 12 hours. Max Benefit Time 24 hours
F) 5% more plunder. Paid by game. Max rest time 24 hours. Max Benefit Time 48 hours

OK, let's take a look at the benefits you suggested. I've named them A through F for ease of reference. Let's keep in mind that it requires X hours rest to get 2X hours of the benefit, meaning 1/3 inactivity and 2/3 active with benefit. It also costs 10k per hour rest.

A) Most big traders probably prefer party cards anyway. And for those who don't: Getting 2% extra for 2/3 of the time seems like a worse deal than just trading normally 3/3 of the time. For gold smiths, though, getting an extra 0.5% could be very valuable. In my eyes, this would be for gold smiths only.

B) Again: 10% extra speed for 2/3 of the time, or "normal" speed for 3/3 of the time? If this is meant for merchants, the choice is easy. Getting this bonus for combat is another issue, but I don't think that would be worth it either. As I see it, this would not be worth it for anyone.

C) Well, definitely only an option for gold smiths. Getting 24H protection for ONE fleet costs 120k plus 12H inactivity for that fleet, so for anyone else, this is a definite no go. Some gold smiths MAY consider this one, but I think they would much prefer other ways to avoid skirmish, and besides, they would probably rather go for option A, which gives them a higher profit.

D) Super duper option for pirates! Plan a raid for a specific time, place your fleets in the Inn for one hour prior to the attack, and during the entire attack (which will last less than 2 hours), you get only 2/3 danger. A great deal!

E) Really? When plundering trade fleets, no such bonus is needed. When stealing Big Ships, voodoo to reduce the target is needed anyway. You really need to know exactly how combat works, and plan attacks which are really even, for this to be worth it. And even then, maybe consider using a fire ship instead?

F) If this was paid by TARGET, I'd say great deal! If it increases payout from "piracy tech" as well, then still a decent deal. If it only increases plunder value from target, and this is paid by the game: Well, it still gives you a little extra if you plan an attack on a trader with lots and lots of ships. A target with 1M on hand gives on average 30k payout. 5% of this is 1.5k. Yet, you only need 2 hours rest (20k to pay) for 4 hours of this benefit (which is MORE than enough). Still not a very good option, and in addition, in most cases, going for option D would be better - reducing the fleet's danger is valuable.

Summary: No options really worth it for "normal" traders. Option A may be worth it for gold smiths. Option D is really good for pirates. Other options are inferior. At least, that is my opinion of these options.
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Re: New "Inn Keeper" Feature

Postby Lockreed » Tue Nov 22, 2016 1:57 pm

I just want to say, that even if there is disagreement about the benefits/mechanics of this idea, I like it. It would be interesting if people who are in the inn can also see who else is inside the inn, but no one else can see who is inside. Maybe even provide a chat for some theme and the ability to spend a gold coin or two buying another person drinks (which can do nothing or something... just adding flavor ideas now).

+1 assuming that balanced/interesting/unique bonuses are agreed upon for a feature like this
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Re: New "Inn Keeper" Feature

Postby Maha » Tue Nov 22, 2016 2:19 pm

Lockreed wrote:I just want to say, that even if there is disagreement about the benefits/mechanics of this idea, I like it. It would be interesting if people who are in the inn can also see who else is inside the inn, but no one else can see who is inside. Maybe even provide a chat for some theme and the ability to spend a gold coin or two buying another person drinks (which can do nothing or something... just adding flavor ideas now).

+1 assuming that balanced/interesting/unique bonuses are agreed upon for a feature like this

i was thinking along the same lines; roulette table, poker, who can hold the most rum while dueling etc
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Re: New "Inn Keeper" Feature

Postby Bmw » Tue Nov 22, 2016 2:29 pm

Maha wrote:
Lockreed wrote:I just want to say, that even if there is disagreement about the benefits/mechanics of this idea, I like it. It would be interesting if people who are in the inn can also see who else is inside the inn, but no one else can see who is inside. Maybe even provide a chat for some theme and the ability to spend a gold coin or two buying another person drinks (which can do nothing or something... just adding flavor ideas now).

+1 assuming that balanced/interesting/unique bonuses are agreed upon for a feature like this

i was thinking along the same lines; roulette table, poker, who can hold the most rum while dueling etc

you could have it so that you pay 1 gold over what it costs to buy rum in a port(for rum ports) and 3 for none rum ports and it sends that guy a rum to his warehouse or something like that (can only send 1 a a time to avoid overuse) or you could have it where you pay 1 for 1 rum but then they change the trade into rum barrels instead of just rum
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Re: New "Inn Keeper" Feature

Postby Shadowood » Tue Nov 22, 2016 3:56 pm

As always Haron, thank you for looking into the benefits! I would love to here some ideas that would work well here for both play styles or a combination of the two. I thought about doing a Treasure Fleet action for merchant where they don't gain any danger in port movement. Thought about adding to Gunpowder and Metal for pirates. Also an additional east/west India for trades where goods are +/- 1

What's else could we add

And I love the idea adding in extra stuff in the inn. Roulette would be great!
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Re: New "Inn Keeper" Feature

Postby Yuitui » Thu Nov 24, 2016 2:30 pm

Love the idea and i agree with Shadowwood's idea of more features +1
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