Career Choice + Bonuses

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Re: Career Choice + Bonuses

Postby Charles Vane » Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:47 pm

Haron wrote:I won't deny that those combinations make raids dealier. What I'm arguing, is that I doubt it will make more players into pirates, as the traders still will make more gold - like they have to. It may be nice to those who are already pirates, but they already attack a lot.

In short: I don't think this will generate more pirates. Nor do I think moving players from "traders" to "pirates" is the way to go when it comes to generating more action, as there needs to be more traders. What is needed, is incentives for traders to also fight. I think labels such as this will make that even LESS likely than today. It will be very hard for a trader with those skills to do pirating - and no point for a trader to chose the "pirate" class just to be able to do so. People would be more either this or either that, which I fear will cause LESS action, not more. Again, I may be wrong, but that is how I see it.

We share the vision of an Avonmora with more action, but I think suggestions including "roles" may be counterproductive in that regard.

Merchants are content trading and always will be. If they wanted to fight they would. Giving them incentive to fight or forcing them to fight, will also force them to reduce there size and change styles resulting in less merchants. Those who fight run smaller ship counts for what reason? because they put themselves at risk and must reduce this as much as they can to earn a profit. If a merchant is forced to fight, they will inevitably be forced to adopted the smaller ship count strategy, thus killing trade...
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Re: Career Choice + Bonuses

Postby Valar Morghulis » Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:13 am

Charles Vane wrote:I don't think it is too small a bonus to pirates, nor do i think it makes it much better being a merchant. (Merchant does still hold a slightly higher attraction and must, as you stated, there needs to be more merchants than pirates.)

However look at the Merchants Debuff. +2% more treasury gold plundered when attacked. That means pirates gain 15% from the game, then 2% additional from the merchant, now use your raid ability, you just increased this even more so. Privateers even gain a small boost to this.

Pirates also gain a larger attack bonus if rum is present. Increasing the abilities of lets say a frigate, which can benefit from Advanced piracy voodoo as well. Now there is nearly 30% more plunder profit.

As for nobleman, yes a non nobleman would find it very difficult, so ally with some noblemen. Nobleman need to forgo trade bonuses battle bonuses and accept higher danger if they are to attack, therefore there won't be to many of those either. Teamwork to build a nation, work it out with countrymen. designate 2 or 3 noblemen, designate a small navy 3-5 players. Have some privateers or pirates to attack others. So many options available, and stops "one" person from being able to do it all alone. One person should never be able to ruin or bring down a nation or guild, and guess what, with current mechanics it is possible..

One person, if dedicated enough, should be able to take down a guild or nation. Avonmora needs a certain flair of danger and unreliability to really thrive. Else it will just grow to be a dull and boring game people forgets about.
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Re: Career Choice + Bonuses

Postby Charles Vane » Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:13 am

I disagree and find it to be the exact opposite..

When one player has the ability to cause such destruction as complete annihilation it breeds the consensus so many abide by today. "I better stay quiet, stay low, and not try anything or I may lose everything i've worked so hard for."

This is what creates boredom and lack of fighting. If risk was mitigated in such a way that being wiped out by one person was implausible then action would follow shortly after. If the risk is to high you run into our current situation.

Now I am not saying the risk should be dramatically changed, but the impracticality of one person bringing down a nation or guild as a whole needs to be looked at.
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Re: Career Choice + Bonuses

Postby Valar Morghulis » Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:16 am

true too.

But then comes the old truth: With great power, it comes great responsebility.

Avonmora needs a fear factor but if it becomes too large, players will behave as you describe. So a level head is needed to avoid the situation.
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Re: Career Choice + Bonuses

Postby Charles Vane » Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:32 am


Unfortunately not everyone possesses such. To limit exceedingly devastating power without eliminating a risk level which still requires considerable consideration would be the goal.

The possibility for very large amounts of damage is very real here with this suggestion. It only requires teamwork.
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Re: Career Choice + Bonuses

Postby Malachi Constant » Sun Nov 13, 2016 2:09 am

I don't think that specialization and bonus attributes are a bad idea at all.

I like it

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Re: Career Choice + Bonuses

Postby Bmw » Sun Nov 13, 2016 2:35 am

i like it but it needs a bit of finegaling
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Re: Career Choice + Bonuses

Postby Charles Vane » Sun Nov 13, 2016 3:21 pm

Bmw wrote:i like it but it needs a bit of finegaling

I agree, this was created with the idea to build upon it. Other than your first couple suggestions do you have anything else you'd like to see adjusted?
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Re: Career Choice + Bonuses

Postby Shadowood » Sun Nov 13, 2016 5:15 pm

Charles Vane wrote:(Moved to allow discussion)

I would like to see bonuses applied to players based on their chosen path.

Career Choices:

- Noble
- Merchant
- Pirate
- Privateer
- Naval Officer

Each player would choose a career on the governor page, similar to your name this may only be changed once every 30 days.

+ 20% influence gain through build up port
- 20% influence lost from propaganda
+ 5% profit on overall daily profit (calculated at update)
Gains 8 danger per plunder or skirmish

Political Campaign Ability: Target port loses 25% less influence from conspiracy cards for 24 hours. Also reduces influence loss for player in target port at update by 50%. 48 hour cool down. (Only one Political Campaign may be active on any port at one time.)

+ 10% Profit on all sales by fleet action or manual sale (1.5% GB)
- 10% Cost on purchase through fleet action or manual purchase (1.5% GB)
- 10% Officer cost on purchase
2% more of treasury lost when plundered.

Merchant Tycoon Ability: When activated, you gain an additional 10% profit on all sales for 12 hours, 24 hour cool down.

+ 15% additional plunder and skirmish gain (generated by game)
When rum is present on board a ship, that ship gains +10% attack
Gains only 4 danger per plunder or skirmish
‎+ 10% Cost of goods on fleet purchase or manual (2% GB)
- 10% profit on selling goods fleet or manual‎ (2% GB)

Raid Ability: Target one player for 4 hours, this player loses +2.5% treasury per plunder and you only gain 3 danger per plunder on that player. 48 hour cool down.

+ 5% Bonus to Attack
+ 5% Bonus to Defense
+ 5% additional plunder gain (generated by game)
+ 5% trade profit on selling goods (1% GB)
- 1 danger per plunder or skirmish
(no negative balanced play style)

Letter of Marque Ability: Select target nation, for 24 hours you gain an additional 15% plunder (generated by game) and 2% from your target when you attack players of that nation. You also lose 1 danger per attack on players of that nation. 48 hour cool down.

Naval Officer:
+15% ship defense when attacked
‎Loses 22 danger per defend skirmish or plunder
‎Cannons cost 50% less at upkeep
+ 7% Cost of goods on fleet purchase or manual (1% GB)
- 7% profit on selling goods fleet or manual (1% GB)

Guard Ability: activate on target player for 24 hours, that player has a 50% chance hostile voodoo will fail. 48 hour cool down.

I believe more battles will be generated from this as well as a need for strategy and teamwork based on defense and raiding.

Numbers are open for discussion. I went with what sounded good off the top of my head.

EDIT: Added bonus to Privateers attack and defense to make it more rounded and balanced between pirate and navy

I really like this idea. Thanks Vane for putting this together for some good discussion. I think this would add an extra level of strategy when putting together a guild/nation. Not all would want to be the same class perhaps, you would want some Merchants, at least 1 noble and some Naval Officers. Of course Pirates and Privateers fit in as well.

Noble Class - No notes at this time

Merchant class - when stacked with Warehouse Tycoon (hideout) would be making quite a bit of gold coin. I will think more on these numbers as they may need to be adjusted down a bit... Maybe. I do like the idea of Merchants having more gold coin on hand for those pesky Pirates to loot though

Pirate Class - love the idea that RUM needs to be present on the ship. However there needs to be a -1 or -10 create per hour effect as Pirates do drink that RUM on occasion. This would add a certain dynamic where a pirate would have to go to a RUM port to restock if he wanted that extra 10% attack. I like the Raid Ability on this one

Privateer Class - Excellent, but I would disagree with the danger drop on this one. I think it needs to stay at 6 per attack if they are getting attack and defensive buffs. Also, like the other classes I think there needs to be a small negative side to choosing this class. There should always be a pro and a con. Maybe the con of a Privateer class is that they will not benefit at all from Mission Bonus's. Like if someone becomes DUKE but they are a Privateer Class they won't get the 10% on Profit of Market Sales... Something like this or other.

Naval Officer - Again I like most everything here. The Guard Ability seems amazing and I personally see a lot of players leaning toward this class just due to this. 50% might be a bit much. Maybe 30%. That way if you couple this with a mindbar you get 100% protection, but I think just 50% is high. I would also say that there should be some risk on this Guard Ability. When Activated it should block 30% of all incoming voodoo, even friendly, except voodoo you cast on yourself of course.

BMW posted something about the possibility to have MISSIONS or something to become a class. I agree with this. One should have to work toward a class as opposed to just picking it and then 30 days later having the option of switching. I think it would be awesome if there was a set of new missions based on Class Rank Up.

All my notes for now, but I think some sort of additional CLASS should be added to this game.
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Re: Career Choice + Bonuses

Postby Bmw » Sun Nov 13, 2016 5:26 pm

i usually brainstorm at first and post because i think there good at the time i think the missions to switch classes would be good like i said but im working on refining stuff for the other classes if anyone want to hear about them it might take me awhile im busy irl also so it takes me a bit of time to come up with stuff like this but these classes would really help the game out and the base class in my mind would be a good idea so that all new players are on a base class where these the basics like what every account has now and maybe in the future there could be things added in the academy that benefit's a certain class when your in it and has no affects when your not in it
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