I would like to see bonuses applied to players based on their chosen path.
Career Choices:
- Noble
- Merchant
- Pirate
- Privateer
- Naval Officer
Each player would choose a career on the governor page, similar to your name this may only be changed once every 30 days.
+ 20% influence gain through build up port
- 20% influence lost from propaganda
+ 5% profit on overall daily profit (calculated at update)
Gains 8 danger per plunder or skirmish
Political Campaigne Ability: Target port loses 50% less influence from conspiracy cards for 24 hours. 48 hour cool down.
+ 10% Profit on all sales by fleet action or manual sale (1.5% GB)
- 10% Cost on purchase through fleet action or manual purchase (1.5% GB)
- 10% Officer cost on purchase
2% more of treasury lost when plundered.
Merchant Tycoon Ability: When activated, you gain an additional 10% profit on all sales for 12 hours, 24 hour cool down.
+ 15% additional plunder and skirmish gain (generated by game)
When rum is present on board a ship, that ship gains +10% attack
Gains only 4 danger per plunder or skirmish
+ 10% Cost of goods on fleet purchase or manual (2% GB)
- 10% profit on selling goods fleet or manual (2% GB)
Raid Ability: Target one player for 4 hours, this player loses +2.5% treasury per plunder and you only gain 3 danger per plunder on that player. 48 hour cool down.
+ 5% additional plunder gain (generated by game)
+ 5% trade profit on selling goods (1% GB)
- 1 danger per plunder or skirmish
(no negative balanced play style)
Letter of Marque Ability: Select target nation, for 24 hours you gain an additional 15% plunder (generated by game) and 2% from your target when you attack players of that nation. You also lose 1 danger per attack on players of that nation. 48 hour cool down.
Naval Officer:
+15% ship defense when attacked
Loses 22 danger per defend skirmish or plunder
Cannons cost 50% less at upkeep
+ 7% Cost of goods on fleet purchase or manual (1% GB)
- 7% profit on selling goods fleet or manual (1% GB)
Guard Ability: activate on target player for 24 hours, that player has a 50% chance hostile voodoo will fail. 48 hour cool down.
I believe more battles will be generated from this as well as a need for strategy and teamwork based on defense and raiding.
Numbers are open for discussion. I went with what sounded good off the top of my head.